Came to the first Chosen..stronghold!.And it's gone ! (XCOM 2)
There is 2 guards and everything! Killed them and then nothing-the script does not work! Thought something is not right doing, there is all so videos on YouTube she immediately climbs!dagdag
Yes. Winning favourites and quickly destroying the sarcophagus. While they are in 4-5 moves again, not revived. If the chosen one is alive, the sarcophagus to attack can not.
People! The problem was I wanted to the resolution is not native 1280x720 instead of booted......and the script worked even earlier than that--I have only these 2 accidents Adventist started killing...people from entry points pilfered.She got out! Wonders what is with the game! It would seem, and here resolution...and See!
And I do some sort of crap. First battle with the favourites, I was a magician, so I thought it should be. I of course killed, as far as second favourites, but there again, the sorcerer, well, again, I do not what is not right is not suspected, killed him. And then I look and the killer already killed the sorcerer. Upset.
In General for all who helped. Faced the same problem, doing all that is possible, and the game reinstalled and additional components re-installed - nothing helped. And did not help until, until I climbed on the platform of the ascension, REMAINED at it without activating it, called save the English name and have not started the game with a blank label. Well, there is with red screens and all. Broke through a bunch of red screens, loaded, moved into the citadel, began to move the group to the sarcophagus and only THEN the Killer came. THEN it is better to save and start the game with a normal shortcut, because then it does not kill the red screen. And more problems with selected I had.