Architect (Dragon Age: Origins)
All kind time of day. With the passage of Awakeningа there was a dilemma. Is it worth to leave alive Architect? What kind of character? How can it affect the fate of the World? I'm interested in your opinion.What's to argue about whether to kill or not to kill this thing? The developers themselves hinted at what to do when the creature stole the GG and unleashed two powerful dragons. Whatever his motives, I can not forgive him things stolen from me. Therefore, the ruble is the bastard cabbage.
Hare blunt :))
To wash the gear after their reviled p. T.
The architect of the norms of character. I finally the first passage wanted him to his team when he began to ask for help at the end before the fat lady sings.
this is different, stuff is missing because of the glitch
About to take the team class idea, every time would suit a fire show and all sorts of left-wing experiments was not engaged
some of it happens
here ME_123 and hated Architect
ETOGES all, all that is acquired back-breaking labor, all is lost... three dagger crow three clubs of... Bron'ka've wadowska... three Bronius
Uh, ladies and gentlemen, this topic is already there on the forum
Anyway, I killed him and will kill. Because he's an avowed enemy. PT is stupid creatures, and rogues just mentally ill people. But the Architect knew how to push my buttons, he stole my precious things. Yes, let the whole Amarantayn die thing to my swords and armor were in front of me=)
Yes, any))
But now you will always be in front of this task that the Exodus is not about**AMB
Oh I think it can be pardoned, see - 1 Architect could kill the guard in the beginning on the basis of 2 not warning him of the attack of mother, 3 of lifting after defeating mother... Yes, the Architect made many mistakes, he was awakened by silly hoping that it will save his people and created the mother. But he wanted to prevent the plague, because he said it was a rock and for their people... About the blood, he took some blood from all of the grey wardens while he is disabled... And as I understand it genocide for the mass treatment is not needed, and the reasonable creatures of darkness - is it very bad? think they got would be the ruler and they live underground... They are like the collectors in Mass Effect, when there is arhidemon he thinks of all he orders them to attack and to destroy, and if they had personality, many went just to Bang their lives in the war with the world.
I left him alive, I see no reason to murder even more of its creatures helps to become more or less normal and reasonable. To kill creatures only because different from us is wrong.
The architect is an idiot!!!
How was it possible to send a PT to tower b(z)Denia knowing what will Butch?
Surprised those who believed in the sincerity of the Architect, because the game is in the directness is one of the above any crafty schemer and politician. Do you not think that he is not only smart, but also crafty? This option cannot be excluded ever. Personally, I immediately saw through his plan, when came a messenger from him. The architect has chosen a good moment to strike at Amaranthine. Knowing that the Earl would send the army in Amarantin and then he survives, he attacked the city at the time when the Tower of the Vigil marched a Horde of Mother, as he was aware. So he hands the Earl was going to neutralize the army of his rival, but this time to gain a foothold in Amaranthine, and then strike at a weakened after the battles of the army of the Earl.
There is an option that the attack of PT on Amaranthin the Architect is not involved, and it is all the handiwork of the Mother. However, telling the Earl about the attack of PT on the Tower of the Vigil for some reason he did not warn him of the attack on PT Amarantin. The reason is that he didn't want a clear victory Earl, who having the right information might be able to provide organized resistance to the PT and Amaranthine, and in the tower of the Vigil. But just as he didn't want a clear victory of the Mother, that's why he told the Earl about the attack.
In both cases, the actions of the Architect you can see only one thing - attempting to manipulate the Earl for the purpose of mutual weakening of the armies of the Earl and the PT of the Mother. While they fight, the clever monkey, the Architect sitting on a palm tree and waiting for two beasts kill each other. Thus, its main objectives were: 1) the defeat of the army of Mother by the hands of the Earl, and then (Mother) elimination (it does not matter who, but preferably, again, the obedient hands of a fool-Earl), and 2) the destruction of the already battered army of Earl and eliminating him (the moor has done his work, moor can go), and capture the whole of Erling Amarantin. And then what? And then the Architect Bonaparte spread across the world.
For this reason, my actions were as follows: ordered the arrest of the messenger and put him in the dungeon, and then began Stripping Amarantin, convinced that the Tower Vigil will be able to stand on their own, what's in the final game I have seen. It was impossible to exclude the possibility of misinformation and the risk that turning back was possible to detect at Vigil's keep in good health, and the garrison in confusion, leaving behind abandoned and devastated by Amarantin turned PT to have their own castle. (Shame would be another one wrapped around her finger like a kid). An important factor for me was the fact that the tower of the Vigil is full of men who are able to defend themselves, and Amaranthin full of civilians being killed with impunity and FRI off with the under ground (maybe it's one of their main goals during raids on human settlements). Later the messenger I let go of, because at all times, the Ambassador - a person inviolable, and his murder is a heinous act. Well, then, the elimination of both the leaders of the PT becomes the main and logical purpose.
As for the sweet words of the Architect about the liberation of the enslaved PT and that the power over them he did not need it, then that's how I perceived his words is a trap into which many naively fall. Remember the demon of Sloth, almost all comrades he was caught in the net of his mirages and illusions only because are unable to recognize the deception and are unable to resist him. If the words of the Architect would be the truth they are not parted with his chores. And what are his works - you know yourself. Someone said that he didn't kill GG and his companions, although he could do it. It can count just lucky this was a mistake of the Architect. Someone said that he needed only the blood of SS. So be it, but he later unleashed on us two dragons, and it means only that if he didn't GG earlier, you were going to do it later. All this is sufficient for me to understand that people, themselves creatures of darkness - only the tools in his big game. For this reason, to indulge his obvious plans, with obvious implications I did not intend. Let it as many talking about their noble goals and good intentions. I will do This to comfort all those whose relatives were killed in the name of the plans of a madman? But madman this works on the principle of This fight for peace will arrange that a stone will not remain. Besides, I simply do not believe his unctuous speeches. If he released FRI from the Call, only to subdue them. And instead of one Arch, we get another Arch. (Remember the words of one gamer, who said that the position of Mother is your common sense: she wants to return the PT to Call, because this is their natural state, and no wonder that many gained freedom simply go crazy or become half mad as the Mother). Reasonable creatures of darkness - that's all we need! Regardless of the plans of the Architect reasonable PT is extremely dangerous. At its core PT - a warlike tribe that survives only due to the hunting and raids. For this reason, it is difficult to assume that after the mind they will beat their swords into plowshares and live a peaceful life. Does the threat from their side only will increase many times. Their weapons are no longer primitive beater that agrisales rather than forged, using the prisoners, Kuznetsov, their knowledge and skills, they will equip its army with advanced weapons. Their tactics will change: from now on they will fight with skill and not numbers as it was before. Quite a bit of imagination to understand what is in store for the world. And in this world a lot of wars between people with the dwarves, elves and each other. If this fun will be added another race darxon-sapiens, that rash decision to HS, once in sparing the Architect, would be fatal and his name will curse those who will fight with a reasonable PT. (A small digression. In this regard, I cannot fail to pay attention to the parochial interests of some who want to spare the Architect in order to use his knowledge to cleanse his blood from all unrighteousness. To call it only as cowardice, I can not. Not to be the Guardians, then to renounce the debt that they themselves had assumed. And without overannas the blood of a Grey warden ceases to be a Grey Warden). Of course, before all sentient beings, fought with the PT and Arhidemona, but it was familiar, predictable, the fight against pestilence had been brought to a satisfactory condition, if the first plague lasted for 200 years, the fifth - not more than a year. Therefore, we can assume that the seventh plague will be strangled in the Bud. Reasonable PT would destroy the whole order, will have to invent new means of dealing with them, and plus, why are they suddenly going to neglect the opportunity to dig up the old God, knowing that he will fight on their side? And last argument: knowing how and at what cost are born FRI - isn't a sufficient motive to destroy every single one of them?
In short, my decision on the Architect is to kill. However, I would prefer to take him prisoner in order to extract from him the maximum information.
P. S. In the following passage I would spare him just for fun, but then logos and still spank.
The horror,the point is clear that he is evil.And in the future represents a threat.