What was your childhood like?
Dr. Rockzo, Oh dream of dreams)in my childhood there was no Internet,there were a lot of friends,played football till late night and much drugog
in General it was a good time!will be something to remember in strasti.
Born in the 93 rd year. I honestly had a difficult childhood. The constant moving my family from one city to another... the Only thing that I remember from my childhood - like riding a tricycle, playing with a ball which was red with yellow and blue stripes, as in the cat sat down and pulled a twig out of his cot and climbs out of the crib the resulting hole.
Who now runs the projector slides?
I have! =)
Think all the way or otherwise preserved old toys? Yes Yes Yes, now everyone will say what they say kindergarten, but in the past it was a common thing in every family. And as we girls were dragged from their moms makeup? It was funny. And again it was business as usual. And as we all liked to collect glass beads from the vodka and simple colored glass beads!
And here's the same clip we girls loved to play! And the boys never understood the rules of the game. =)
And of course, girls always wore in pigtails ribbons! Playing hopscotch barefoot! Then it was business as usual. We drank the soda from the machines. Again, this was not something supernatural, it was all the usual business. And remember the old cameras? Zenit, fed... Shot on film, and then showed the pictures in the dark with klasnoj lamp! =)
The last 2 balls on my photos - they were just extracted from the vodka which had such balls.
we have still preserved the Zenith.
My family still Zenith is fed in the operating state.
What was your childhood like?
Happy without a computer and the Internet:) We almost didn't come home from the street, not that present-day children
MNU was that.
Karoche with Pasanen hit the bottle(well, balls) and shot with a slingshot in the vans(in the village MS)
Then one says pasan, who first climbed the tree that my slingshot(well, I karoche climbed and tears not)on Batia came out,started a branch cut I've fallen and I can't recall all
by the way I have the first TV in the village appeared,all of us in the hut were running idin watched the movie half of the village
Remember how we ran for the homeless, their mother, and then ran away. Even the stones they threw. Or run up on the guard from the garden, lol. Adrenaline upto
Remember how we ran for the homeless, their mother, and then ran away. Even the stones they threw.
Heartless bastards. Bad people.
Preserved some things from childhood. Well, photos from the video. After all, when someone shot the family chronicle a few years ago - these videos are appreciated much more than the current photo/video.
It was great. It is sad that my children value system will be quite different.
In the summer I went to camp, the river, visit to grandma and grandpa. In the evening, climb, where you should not, went Hiking, built huts in the nearby woods. The first time I tried to smoke, and then quit - did not like.
The fall was mainly a school. And more rain, wind and stuff like that.
In the winter, playing snowballs, building caves, sculpted all kinds of foolishness out of the snow, and was often looking for a suitable sweater.
Autumn was the third quarter in school, etc, all the cleanup and so forth.
Had a bike, or rather still is. The truth is disassembled in the garage is.
Even when there was nothing to do, was Sega MD2, which is perfectly able to help out in boring time, and sometimes even to collect the whole yard for rental in UMK3, or even any other game. In General, a lot of things, you just have to reminisce.
Now if I look back, then you can safely say my childhood was normal. Not ideal, but not terrible. I was pleased with.
Uncle John took me to the zoo, and then showed the Trouser snake and said that she and her kind need to be ironed
Too many litters, but if so, my childhood was not hard but not easy, it was fun, and sorry, in General it is a childhood that I will promnice to the last
Heartless bastards. Bad people.
And another time we went and saw a homeless man not sitting near the entrance to the cellar and the ladder lay a plate of dumplings and a bottle of something. He still pop out of his pants sticking out.
In General, we were laughing, threw a stone lightly and ran away. And even stink terribly something. Then I realized.
He was dead.
In my childhood I was givin daddy in every hole, then I was taken to a shelter, where I was givin in the holes is already a lot of dads, also not only the individual MP.
IRL I'm just a young Darwin vyser trying to achieve mind-blowing buhurt.