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Nevoeiro 28.04.20 05:22 pm


The question is whether all the evidence of science, you can believe and accept the truth, or should be questioned?
Example: scientists have proved that consumption of cholesterol in the human body is harmful to health,and then denied that it is not.When they refuted the opposite....
Randomness is a scientific argument?
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Nevoeiro 28.04.20

A. Soldier of Light
The fact of the matter, no body, no case!
But how to be then with the fact that scientists prove and disprove parole later? that is the question above.

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Let's keep it simple,some scientists believe that viruses already have in the human body,their failure leads to cancer AIDS and so on.But this is just a guess.

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Wing42 wrote:
The similar type and coloration is the same.
can you be more specific?
Wing42 wrote:
They can work together, but the final word will make only one. The most savvy or lucky.
this is just your speculation)

A.Soldier of Light 28.04.20

Exactly. The expansion of the Universe - not a fact but an assumption based on real data. To check, expanding or not, it is impossible at the moment.

Nevoeiro wrote:
But how to be then with the fact that scientists prove and disprove parole later?
Contradict yourself by jumping to conclusions. It's like the theory of evolution: examined the bones and DNA, has made insights. Immediately. Conclusions. Typical of our world that, alas. They say, adopt truth: Primate->man =] Science is not wrong, mistaken or blunt (high ego) scientists. Insights science does not - make them scientists...

Wing42 28.04.20

Nevoeiro wrote:
Result good? although I think you are waiting for who will do it for you.
You have to prove accidents, and then you bring. Only it's pointless - nothing happens by chance, and random for people is a non-committal recognition of our own ignorance or misunderstanding of the causes of events.
And I don't need your ignorance and lack of understanding.

Nevoeiro wrote:
can you be more specific?
Can. And you and your boat (that's the way it's a miracle if anyone needs more details: http://users.playground.ru/2366699/) not recognize, dispute or deny the value of scientific knowledge of the world, using various its benefits: Central heating, water supply, Sewerage and mobile communications, satellite TV and Internet. Even so, with it housing is a product of engineering. This is the height of hypocrisy among bipedal apes, I must say.
If you hate science, then save yourself all of the achievements, and you will be so desired you no turbid divine spirituality: dugout, with a low ceiling and small window, protracted bullish bubble, a torch burns down, the rows of icons along the walls and a bunch of excrement in the corner.
Live without science and its accomplishments, because it is - lies and devilry.

Nevoeiro wrote:
this is just your speculation)
Oh? Your opinion on this matter doesn't mean anything because you don't know that for sure.

yariko.v 28.04.20

A. Soldier of Light wrote:
Science is not wrong, mistaken or blunt (high ego) scientists.
I agree. Not all the truth, which is true. We must remember this always.
However, if the science was not wrong - she would not have developed. As you know do not mistake the one who does not do. Between the scientists since ancient times there is competition. One says that the Earth floats on three elephants. Another speaks of geocentricity that the Earth is the center of the Universe. And as a fact both are wrong!!

But, the important thing is not the mistakes of the scientists. The most important thing that scientists sometimes don't even think about the possible consequences of their mistakes. Like it was at Chernobyl when carrying out tests on a nuclear reactor. This result is still depressing...

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Wing42 wrote:
Can. And you and your boat (that's the way it's a miracle if anyone needs more details: users.playground.ru/2366699/) not recognize, dispute or deny the value of scientific knowledge of the world, using various its benefits: Central heating, water supply, Sewerage and mobile communications, satellite TV and Internet. Even so, with it housing is a product of engineering. This is the height of hypocrisy among bipedal apes, I must say.
If you hate science, then save yourself all of the achievements, and you will be so desired you no turbid divine spirituality: dugout, with a low ceiling and small window, protracted bullish bubble, a torch burns down, the rows of icons along the walls and a bunch of excrement in the corner.
Live without science and its accomplishments, because it is - lies and devilry.
And what have I? or is this another of your speculation?
Wing42 wrote:
You have to prove accidents, and then you bring. Only it's pointless - nothing happens by chance, and random for people is a non-committal recognition of our own ignorance or misunderstanding of the causes of events.
And I don't need your ignorance and lack of understanding.
I wasn't proven not that it was a question that only you can see your helpless otgovorki

Wing42 28.04.20

Nevoeiro wrote:
And what have I?
You and him are birds of a feather and write about one and the same but only in different words. You can't see it because you don't want to admit it.
Nevoeiro wrote:
I wasn't proven not that it was a question that only you can see your helpless otgovorki
I answered your question in your very first post in this thread. Answered in detail and clearly. But, I noticed your deliberate courtesy designed to hide from the eyes of your blatant inability to read the text is longer than ten lines.

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Wing42 wrote:
You and him are birds of a feather and write about one and the same but only in different words. You can't see it because you don't want to admit it.
Wow,Yes this is a strange statement,dumatau you are mistaken,this logic can be any where or to attribute.
Need specifics and facts.
Wing42 wrote:
I answered your question in your very first post in this thread. Answered in detail and clearly. But, I noticed your deliberate courtesy designed to hide from the eyes of your blatant inability to read the text is longer than ten lines.
I read it,and not how many times,but there as and Collin Gee too much water and speculation, you said a bad example,then your right to lead a good,sorry you are unable just made an excuse.

Wing42 28.04.20

Nevoeiro wrote:
I read it,and not how many times,but there as and Collin Gee too much water and speculation, you said a bad example,then your right to lead a good,sorry you are unable just made an excuse.
Ha ha ha! Are you the Creator of korovanov and houses wood? Well by golly the same brilliant style of writing!
In General, I'm with you all realized, in terms of dialogue you're worthless.

Ripper Man 28.04.20

forget all what is written above. as I say - so this is the truth

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Wing42 wrote:
Ha ha ha! Are you the Creator of korovanov and houses wood? Well by golly the same brilliant style of writing!
In General, I'm with you all realized, in terms of dialogue you're worthless.
So where is an example? once the water is no more.

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

A. Soldier of Light
Stop who created the science and who does science? then you need to talk about nature or not?

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Wing42 wrote:
well? Your opinion on this matter doesn't mean anything because you don't know that for sure.
that is, you don't know,but saying and doing it as a truth.

Wing42 28.04.20

For you the arguments are not arguments because you spit on them like. Behind this, fuck you, fuck and relax. Better than the second part to"the korovanami compose.

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

Iron logic)))) give them ....
And then just Kar Kar))))

A.Soldier of Light 28.04.20

yariko.v wrote:
However, if the science was not wrong - she would not have developed. As you know do not mistake the one who does not do. Between the scientists since ancient times there is competition.
Well, let be honest, what conclusion they did based on the analysis and calculations that may be true and may be false. But... well, they are scientists - a moment. The second point is ordinary people, not scientists. That's where the fun starts 8) a scientist will say that theory is just a theory, and the simple inhabitant will then be categorical to assert that, e.g., man evolved from monkeys and Supplement it with a phrase like foolish are those who do not agree. The scientist in this theory is not just recorded ;]

Science did not create, this concept is common to the whole Universe and all sentient forms of life ;] Intelligent species on the measure of development (civilization) will come to scientific methods of understanding the world, it is inevitable. The issue here is the methods themselves, for if the laws of physics are the same everywhere in the Universe, and if the methods are not the same for us and aliens, similar to this (if the level of development are similar).

Nevoeiro 28.04.20

A. Soldier of Light
well, it is about scientists,because they are promoting so to speak, or doing science,discovering the same laws of physics.While it is not known what is there in the universe and how there ground so to say the laws of physics. And it's not even the ego of scientists, or not kotoroya scientists.Anyone can make a mistake a scientist,the question is how long he will understand that a mistake? to what extent is he right? it is possible ,allowed ,do those docks to doubt?
Because many are beyond question,believe in the word,and it's just the people is it not?
Like saying good is good but too good is also not good!