In principle, no different, but in the license you, vote with their pocketbooks for the goods that you like, thus creating a demand for such games
Perati go quietly and don't ask stupid questions. Personally, I will buy it, and piracy let it remain on your conscience, if it is still there
The lack of demos on PC upsetting, but thanks to the stock of confidence in Capcom because of the masterpiece RE2 Remake, I'll take litsuhu.
Pre-order was open for six months before release, so there can be easy to accumulate. Don't be a shame though
Kapka pissed me off, still not releasing Supplement in the MX world of the Witcher on the PC!! So no more license!! Just pirate all future games!
and what you don RE2 demo, the engine is the same, the difference in 2 months, so that the requirements should be the same.
For dmts and slashers to pay is not a sin, for it is a rare genre today. Even Darksayders gone from slashers to souls-like.