how to knock a dude in power armor?? (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
really just do this??? in the quest where you have to save dušan's brother Tibor from prison in the city of Golems when it podkladyvaya he says the type first guard off then pogovarim.And there are 4 COP I removed three and the fourth goes to the power of bran.How to cut down tell me! I only need non-lethal! I tried melee to knock him out but he blokiruet and I back gives and I fall. Amy Granato it tried it only temporarily disables it resuscitated.Gas Granata his Spain he the helmet tranquilizer rifle is also not rastrelivat his costume this!or it is only necessary to kill?but killing I can not I pass the whole game without killingScattered boy
I despair of the rifle with tranquilizer Darts struck true time 5-6 shot him.
Has Amy pistol bullets or drobaša - one lucky shot and armor is turned off and then a dogfight it jammed.
Yes, I probably 30 times fired Darts at him in the face and in the body just he drummed! I thought nafig to kill him with grenades to scatter so he got me but I didn't really want without killing
I mean, how disabled?? Yes, I tried and drabadan Amy rounds on it to peel it just sits and sparks from him but through time, he comes to live again!!
Nikita redelivery of granatoj probyval it is spark and when I padharo at this time it cannot be cut down there button hand-to-hand combat!
Try to come back and check whether enough energy for the application of a stun shot.
AA only sparks when the back has to come in to it??)) and I side and the front came up what a bitch I was two hours spent on it)
Scattered boy
Or is there some kind of perk need - as in the first part of which break down the walls.
Scattered boy
Let's consider structure of a body the guy in power armor:
As you can see they also have open and unprotected parts of the body. If you shoot with tranquilizer rifles at these places, they are euthanized with a single shot without any problems.
By the way, behind him, also fully open the palms of the hands and parts of feet. Such places are easy to see in the optical sight
Granata.. Scolding...blokiruet...
Peel, you are better ABC the Incentive to bookmark put! In the sale will be in the first place take. Not all literacy problems.
Never AMY is not behind him close - a shot from a stun gun - and then immediately stun manually. No noise, no alarms, no deaths. The phantom is produced at the end of the mission. Accordingly, ''the Frame'' at the end of the game.
I decided to give up and shot him with a shotgun at point blank range. Three shots and he is ready)