Neponyatka or just stupid (Diablo 2)
Like, never seen such topics. But, they are annoying and fun, the Theme for those who did not understand what he wants...and why...Let the jokes and misunderstanding in communication here, uncensored!!!P. S. there Were many things I have and think of others more cheerful.
Have you got an opinion, I spoke with him and played.
You never know what the person was hit, forgot whined as you threw the Dusong created a topic on the CD?:With
So as not to burn all your desktop (and in General not to litter a subject) just hold down Alt when you make a screenshot to take a screenshot of just the active window.
I'm not interested in your stupid opinion, how many more times can I say? I do not communicate with since lalami. Grow up - blather.
Normally you reflesh, the person who three classes, God forbid, he graduated from trying to tell you how to use a computer ;D Or you just pictures confused? The text is not read? ;D