So after all what is the ending true? (NieR: Automata)
What is the ending true?natooral
The ending E, I think. The whole truth it turns out, the spiral closes and the heroes return to Earth
IMHO the ending D in the dialogue(if you can call IT that) with Adam to choose to stay.
A+In kagbe, is also the true ending. In fact, it is an ending, but from different angles. Sobstvenno as C and D, which just continues the events A and b and is also sort of looks from different sides. Well and E, of course, the ending of this salad. By the way, I do not envy the pirates - the finale not seen since bulletball the titles do not go in solo. Well, the war is not the saves are not sbekapit.
I did so, only for the sake of 30-second clips of 20 minutes to beat with the credits? easier on utube to look
you che rooflite, the game one way, true, thus D is a proper final line A2 + 9S
That is, the events in endings A and b are not Canon, do you?
It's not the ending, in fact and interlude.
And the ending With? For A2 not Canon to finish the game? Or Canon D the ending makes the dialogue with Adam and 9S phrase So, here where you were, 2B? They both have the right to life and both lead to the end Is just look at the events from different characters with minor changes at the global event (the destruction of the tower and the launch) does not affect.
The trainer can give you that emotional background that creates the assistance of real people and the realization that they have sacrificed their saving to help you.
I think the end D is correct, and I could be wrong, but, in my opinion, only after it has E the ending
a a and is generally of the same scenes that and the end-it is impossible to call, they just create a relationship between the first and second stage of the game, the last one in the end
Spoileron, that one, even if we consider that C and D are different, it is just different at the end of lines characters *who will die and who is not, and so on*, that show up at the end of E, these endings are not affected
The ending E is popping up in any case, after getting 4th the true ending (C or D in any order). I'm saying that the endings are in the ligaments, the two global events from different characters: A+(interlude) and C+D (junction), and the ending of the E - summing in the final. I, for example, prefer the interchange for A2.
Spoilerose so many (hundreds? thousand?) years of wandering the planet and the endless battles she finally found peace, while rescuing the life of 9S. The ending is as selfish and go 9S, which doesn't even see that A2 is partially inherited traits 2B, and kills her without hesitation, I do not like.