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Roland From Gilead 03.05.20 07:47 pm

Impressions from the ending of Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)

Who passed the game - unsubscribe. For me personally the ending is staged, though, and crumpled, but still good. And most importantly, that the ending is in fact open.
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NightHawkreal 03.05.20

I'm not good theology Developers can too :)

D.Artist 03.05.20

Hell Yes, I Wang natural:
Konami has announced DLC Revelations about Alucard - the son of the protagonist of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Add event develop before the start of the storyline of the game. We can trace the full participation of Alucard and his importance in the history of the LOS. Alucard will have unique abilities, which are enhanced espitia blood enemies. Some of these sposobnostei will call the spectral wolf and turning into a flock of bats. Revelation out March 25 for Xbox and PS3. Release date PC version unknown.

NightHawkreal 03.05.20

It was known long before the release of the game.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

Hmm I now think that it's not really a grenade launcher. Maybe looks like he says it, but the shells he has some fire or light allowed, that's why Dracula and kills the first time.

m1asmatic 03.05.20

I'm under a video game joystick I bought, wonderful experience. The ending is normal as for me, the main thing is the story itself, well, Epic, and a meeting with Trevor) Oh, right up to the ants, well, Satan just do OK with the Leviathan) Will be continued or not I don't care. I've played Castlevania on 8bit, 16bit and so forth, and the scope of the series is really impressive, though, and a lot of leftist. In General, I would have played more in similar to and for Gabriel and Trevor could. Well the bigger the city,

My Sims 03.05.20

Well, che, dude, dream about the adventures of Dracula in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 3.

P.$.: The ending makes it clear what will be the next part, although the developers and publishers about it were silent as guerrillas captured by the Nazis!

NightHawkreal 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
Nuclear :)

L32m32hink 03.05.20

No, they should not be too strong and not too weak. Yes, there are some guns, but mostly strange weapons( campaign which was specially made for Dracula).

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

Now Gabriel will have preimenovati Slayer in the Killer of the Devil. I hope that Dracula will live on and the cross won't work.

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

After the ending, surprised by the coolness of Alucard, fed her daddy an innocent family. Horror.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

The white judge
Hmm it's not a he did, and Sobek. Sobek because involved + you can sacrifice a few people if you know they're either going to die anyway, or one hundred pounds will not save the world. Sometimes you have to wear little sacrifices, so you do not incur large or something like that.

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
Ordered Sobek, carried Alucard. both are to blame.
Sometimes you have to wear little sacrifices, so you do not incur large or something like that.
Well, why would a family with a child? fed to Dracula criminals or prostitutes. And his lunch and the benefits to society

Anastassii 03.05.20

Well, why would a family with a child? fed to Dracula criminals or prostitutes. And his lunch and the benefits to society are not tragic in the General component of the plot. No drama, horror and stuff, I guess.

I understand that everyone can not. Now that I beat the wrath of Dracula, the one who is the monster, he in the blood of the armless, then again, monster . Not die, but beat-beat-beat...when you die and finally know how many times he's amplitude-syudy will become too... will finish rest)))
But! Before it was the part with Victor and he pathetically said, saying that he is the last in the family of Belmont. Here the beat and I think a grown man couldn't ... "bastards" at least "create"? The family of Belmont - not so usual kind in their world for centuries, so why did he not care of what after it will be to protect the normal men.... in the event of "what if....". After all, it is certainly killed! He died... MB I missed something, but if you look at how the game develops is not clear....

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

Here the beat and I think a grown man couldn't ... "bastards" at least "create"
Probably created, or there are a couple side family lines, in the end, Trevor and his son Simon Belmont, the one we generally know little, only that he brought up with some savages. Maybe even had a dozen children. Victor died as a hero, ie ridiculous and the benefits of his death was a bit

L32m32hink 03.05.20

The white judge
Hmm well, Dracula was weak after the battle( Yes, not a word picked up, I know) with a demon and could die so he could kill the criminal, or prostitute( Yes, they know how to fight back + the hooker 100% would have been naked( don't ask how I know), and it's certainly not like the game wouldn't have benefited).

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
prostitute 100% would have been naked( don't ask how I know), and it's certainly not like the game wouldn't have benefited).
Oh well, rules would scene would turn out. And half-naked characters met in the first part. And the common culprit is unlikely to be able to kill Dracula. Oh sorry that I ignored the fact that with age, the vampires become stronger

L32m32hink 03.05.20

The white judge
They ignored this fact. Dracula is another matter. It permanently killed,and after a couple dozen years he has revived( just like Kanye). No, a naked woman - not cool. Yes, there were characters, but they were half-naked( not counting demon, which urge the stone of shadows). Are you sure ? Saw sensor life Dracula was going on ? It is smaller and it's kind of a little girl pushed that run to my parents and he then almost in the knockout did not fall. Heh like he was insignificant. It would be ordinary criminal would have won.

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
Its not a girl pushed a man than slapped. His way he didn't drink.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

The white judge
Hmm it seemed that girl :D you see, its easy man just hit and Dracula was going to a knockout. Against the criminal, it is unlikely he would have survived. Hmm weird, probably could not think after nedobity and such a blow.

Belyy sudya 03.05.20

It is a pity that did not show the Board of Dracula, only crazed servants.