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Roland From Gilead 03.05.20 07:47 pm

Impressions from the ending of Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)

Who passed the game - unsubscribe. For me personally the ending is staged, though, and crumpled, but still good. And most importantly, that the ending is in fact open.
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Steel Fist 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
Dave Cox in the beginning even said that if fans will be asked to return to the series,they are back!!! But threw it all! Although nalepil bespontovyh a lot of experimentation in the second part, in their place I would try to fix the situation by making a new part! And,the powerful final chord on consoles promised,and the result was not very mildly!!! But it would be cool if Castelvania produced every year!))

Steel Fist 03.05.20

And who knows when Mirrior of Fate on the PC or will be at all??

Slasherstyler 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
Yes, DLC is not something that's ported would be mirror of fate on the PC , then you can complete the story with applying to read the Belmont and swords of the abyss of chaos ikogda ponyatnaya-do!

NightHawkreal 03.05.20

Yet, now 64 do, I'll have to try.

Steel Fist
Not saying not Yes, not no, like stay connected.

The Boy Wonder
Well before he made Dracula, and this is all the machinations of the Shaft.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

Dave Cox in the beginning even said that if fans will be asked to return to the series,they are back!!! But threw it all! Although nalepil bespontovyh a lot of experimentation in the second part, in their place I would try to fix the situation by making a new part! And,the powerful final chord on consoles promised,and the result was not very mildly!!! But it would be cool if Castelvania produced every year!))
Oh, Cox said. I'll be honest, Cox is a good person and Fig for him to drive. The development of he is not engaged, and mercury steam, led by Enric Alvarez( whom we owe for all the cons( about the flaw and processing) - you don't understand). The ending is on the DLC were( and if so, this game was cut for DLC, not a separate DLC did). By the way, look at metascore praise from critics( whom the campaign you are), and the casual gamers( as I Judge). What ? Castelvania annually ? Love lines ?
Why ? Go, reveal (full) the story of Alucard restarted.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

The shaft, which wanted to revive Dracula and served him, as it were.

NightHawkreal 03.05.20

Twice in a row to resist evil, too much even for Belmont.

By the way, the last acolyte is similar to the Shaft, only he wasn't so lucky.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

Hmm yeah I noticed that too. Well, the Belmonts and the Belmonts - their primary purpose is to fight evil.

NightHawkreal 03.05.20

Richter thought, it's descendants and relaxed :)

L32m32hink 03.05.20

Relaxed ? If... he is there even at the first meeting with Alucarda freaked out and went somewhere.

NightHawkreal 03.05.20

He was already bewitched.

Krio_ru 03.05.20

wildly I just didn't like the battle with Satan. because we are in fact with him and not fight! in part 1 the final battle was better...

vovadjo 03.05.20

Honestly, the ending disappointed me, I disappointed very much due to the fact that not given rest in Dracula. Part 1 was much better in everything but the 1st things is the camera.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

Hmm that's it.

L32m32hink 03.05.20

On DLC the ending left + Dracula was not allowed to leave our world because he accomplished his revenge and can now live with the son.

Slasherstyler 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
usually makes no DLC at once less game time story, so this DLC they just rassodare guys continued where you can play for two of Belmont in the story!

enrikokarvales 03.05.20

the ending upset ochem - the whole game I waited all the same, Gabriel will take to the sky and nothing to do there and not here, I also think DSL will still be

enrikokarvales 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
that's just the souls in the ending and wasn't

L32m32hink 03.05.20

Hmm yeah.... I especially do not understand, but the campaign continued under the series will be.
What is the soul ? Supposedly epic ? Yes, he stayed on DLTS.

enrikokarvales 03.05.20

The Boy Wonder
Yes I would like school days ending, where Gabriel will still be at peace , and there is such a drain even roll a normal gash could not , frankly I'm upset