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MyatKO. 11.10.19 10:49 pm

Making adjustments to the server Rules. (Diablo 2)

Hi all. I need hardly introduce myself and explain who I am, but just in case, for the uninitiated, I'm a former chat moderator of the Diablo II forum, he stayed in this position for about 2-3 years and then left both his post at his own request, in connection with disagreement on some points. I mean, I know this kitchen pretty well.
In short, in my humble opinion, it is high time to back up and abandon the following items in the Rules of the server. And, probably, in 2к19 this theme will look a little weird, but for alera making these adjustments (i.e., removal from topics 5-6 lines) will not change absolutely, absolutely, nothing, and resource users will be able to breathe a little more freely, right?

>2.4. It is forbidden to discuss actions of the administrator/operator without their prior consent.
A rather absurd point, considering that some moderators worked really fierce game and maestrodelfina clearest example. In recent years, these precedents were not observed, but it would be possible to abandon it just in case.
>2.11. It is forbidden to discuss the penalty imposed by the operator/administrator.
Almost the same point, if we assume that the actions is usually the issue of penalty.
Otherwise, you need the annotations to item 2.4., or reset/waep, as the action of the administrator, also cannot be discussed? It is not clear.
>3.1. It is forbidden to use any programs that interfere in gameplay: MapHack, DiskHack, LoseBot, NameSpoofer and more.
I think we can all agree that using bots is fu because they use overly simplifies the gameplay, but light programs to open the map already it's time to allow officially, to avoid all these absurd situations when people accidentally post the screenshots from the triangle, and above them, then all I'm on the forum, they say, busted. Seriously?
>5.2. Forbidden to use obscene words as the name of the account.
Also infinitely incomprehensible paragraph. Forbidden-is forbidden, but in fact of all the sanctions that apply to such people, you can remember is that chat ban. It looks very strange when people post the usual trade-list and suddenly he's flying ban.
>5.7. Prohibited abusive or vulgar language on the channels, in game chat and in the description of the account, profanity, or profanity in any context.
The point on which I immediately get banned, I have repented and repent once again.
I agree that the flood really prevents adequate communication in the chat, because it just clogs and information is simply lost. The same is true of insults to a man it can be really unpleasant to hurt and everything. But obviously, in my opinion that it's time to allow the use of swear words in chat in simple everyday life. For example: a [male sexual organ] me again and again killing the cursed Pandemonium Diablo? or [damn], collected English not 40 all res and 30 is just [the mind boggles].
Or we have here not [princezna], and the Ministry of Culture? ©

Maybe a few, but dear to the public forum have something to add to this?
Thank you for your attention! I hope that my topic will not be removed, but at least will give some review.
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Jay_xD 11.10.19

MyatKO. wrote:
>2.4. It is forbidden to discuss actions of the administrator/operator without their prior consent.
A rather absurd point, considering that some moderators worked really fierce game and maestrodelfina clearest example. In recent years, these precedents were not observed, but it would be possible to abandon it just in case.
>2.11. It is forbidden to discuss the penalty imposed by the operator/administrator.
Almost the same point, if we assume that the actions is usually the issue of penalty.
Otherwise, you need the annotations to item 2.4., or reset/waep, as the action of the administrator, also cannot be discussed? It is not clear.
in any case, it probably left)))
if a player has any questions regarding his punishment - you can contact the PM to a moderator, who is a punishment made

MyatKO. wrote:
>3.1. It is forbidden to use any programs that interfere in gameplay: MapHack, DiskHack, LoseBot, NameSpoofer and more.
I think we can all agree that using bots is fu because they use overly simplifies the gameplay, but light programs to open the map already it's time to allow officially, to avoid all these absurd situations when people accidentally post the screenshots from the triangle, and above them, then all I'm on the forum, they say, busted. Seriously?
Kady specks!

MyatKO. wrote:
>5.2. Forbidden to use obscene words as the name of the account.
Also infinitely incomprehensible paragraph. Forbidden-is forbidden, but in fact of all the sanctions that apply to such people, you can remember is that chat ban. It looks very strange when people post the usual trade-list and suddenly he's flying ban.
>5.7. Prohibited abusive or vulgar language on the channels, in game chat and in the description of the account, profanity, or profanity in any context.
The point on which I immediately get banned, I have repented and repent once again.
I agree that the flood really prevents adequate communication in the chat, because it just clogs and information is simply lost. The same is true of insults to a man it can be really unpleasant to hurt and everything. But obviously, in my opinion that it's time to allow the use of swear words in chat in simple everyday life. For example: a [male sexual organ] me again and again killing the cursed Pandemonium Diablo? or [damn], collected English not 40 all res and 30 is just [the mind boggles].
Or we have here not [princezna], and the Ministry of Culture? ©
for Mat in a public place (a chat Diablo two, in my opinion this is the place) there is a liability! hooliganism so to speak

MyatKO. 11.10.19

Jay_xD, you have at least one friend who was fined for obscenities in a public place under article hooliganism?

Jay_xD 11.10.19

Yes)))))) ahah))) one very good friend was hit by a fine))))) every time I almost cry from laughing when I remember that moment)))))

Grinaaa Morningstar 11.10.19

Don't forget that aler is not home and he does the same as above (or wanted).

gottenspell 11.10.19

And don't pretend to be naive? This is me about Mata. If so, even with the ban, and then srachi with mats are the mats in use simple everyday life will further spur to their use in various scandals. And will showdown And Bob just swearing, I I nilzya? For that ban??! Just do not deny that this will not happen. And you must imagine the picture as all the decorum noble will. In General, will still be allowed - even if, just my opinion.
About third-party programs, whether these things are, like Reshade or DgVoodoo? Shooters Reshade seems to be forbidden, because the zoom Shader, but then in D2, the use of a zoom, this can hardly be considered a cheat here. But it is possible very even to ennoble, to your liking.

MyatKO. 11.10.19

Grenaa Morningstar, you think someone up there is sitting and checks the chat D2 to comply with the rules of the server? Even Aleria it's not so much rocking, as it was once, to say nothing about the rest.
gottenspell, okay, even if they srachi with mats and they will NOT be used in the context of abuse, whose children's vulnerable soul you're afraid to hurt? Try to limit the adult men and women who already had children (or the path to it) is just ridiculous. Software: I propose to ban all third-party software, in addition to d2m and the most basic of mapaca.
Or, by the way, (I just came up with this idea), to embed the function to open maps (the most simple maphack, even without mobs) from the alternative customer - the way to make it a little more popular, and for third-party software already ban.

minovalo 11.10.19

MyatKO. wrote:
to embed the function to open maps (the most simple maphack, even without mobs) from the alternative client
And ivh, from whom we hear!

gottenspell wrote:
the picture can very Refine
What are you going to elevate after rappera? How then would not be pulled to the disco in the style of median.

MyatKO. 11.10.19

passed, and that I, who am I?

gottenspell 11.10.19

Like I said, I don't care, it is a headache to the moderators. I think it will only add to them. If not, please let let, do not be offended. And what about mapaca, really, we all know how it is.
Shta? I do not understand from your post, I meant just add some anti-aliasing or crt-filter, I have no idea what you're thinking. Simple but looks nice.

qPash 11.10.19

Safely! Well done!
Lead us to a brighter future, comrade!

Archon Guard 11.10.19

of course for a single swear word escaped as if in a fit of emotion, but not as an insult to someone to bayrouty like too, but nevertheless, this point should not change in the regulations and guidance on moderation in the minds of modders )
and about the hacks need to bayrouty any hacks for MX and too many years of playing without MH and finally do not care
but it's my IMHO, 5 COP so to speak, speaking

firkax 11.10.19

fu fu fu
matco covers chitakov and the potty mouth
well arguments standard

like this the many spawn so let them solve
actually it should be the opposite - actively ban spawn times, bad tracking system for enforcing the rules, and it is necessary to strengthen

Archon Guard wrote:
of course for a single swear word escaped as if in a fit of emotion, but not as an insult to someone to bayrouty like too
there is not too much if it's not a newbie who foolishly has not yet realized that it is forbidden

the essence of the prohibition of the Mat is not to make performances without him, but it's actually leave it in the minds of
the essence of it is that it should not be, absolutely and without any tolerance
but if someone hides it from the moderators is also necessary to recognize and punish - it is necessary not to hide and destroy

cristagalli 11.10.19

On the forum, probably out of this too? It is necessary to be consistent... Give more advertisement about the soda and increase you know what. People so gone, so come on there is still the cesspool arrange. Disagree with 1 point. What nonsense...

MyatKO. 11.10.19

cristagalli, the forum is a separate world, where aler has no power, unlike Diablo 2 servers. and nobody is talking about the creation of the cesspool. you walk down the street and hear a Mat, chatting with friends who swear any street and any home for you is a deep pit? absurd.

about cheats. I think everyone on ng (and even beyond) is known to maphack in recent years, which allows you to open the map and most unfortunate of those triangles, denoting the mobs on the map.
and I'm sure most of us have used it repeatedly in singleplayer. just imagine what would happen if it will begin to use in multiplayer?! so, if we ban the cheat program, you have to ban them all (and I have heard that it is possible to use this maphack on the server - no autobahn, in contrast to the motorway bots). and its developer, as the distribution of malicious software and, accordingly, provocateur/driving force to use to send in a permanent ban - especially as the reference thereof directly specified in the software.

in short, let's not sneer, and let's face it. it is inexplicable hypocrisy and duplicity is not good here.

firkax 11.10.19

MyatKO. wrote:
in short, let's not ernichat, and see the truth
let's see the truth - you could not stand the hard work of the moderator and is now trying to discredit it because of this, apparently for their own reassurance and justification

cristagalli 11.10.19

I hear Mat, Yes. If I approve it? No! If you approve this thing, nobody like you weren't trying to convince here. So why did you decide that you must here convince me/us? Turn off the syndrome of the Messiah and quiet play/not play.

Cheats for the same. Never yuzal MX neither in the single nor in the server and do not plan to start.

The first two points is generally water. Anyway, actions are discussed/ridiculed and trolliet admin. Punished for it each? Lately, it seems that punishing one of plan de Corones.. Or do you I care?

gottenspell 11.10.19

And firkax right, key word is former :D no Matter, the moderator or someone else. For example, former high-ranking officials, politicians, too often the gusts of revelation arise. But while they are in the post - silence ) so also here.

cristagalli 11.10.19

Come be sensible, something the former offered... probably Soon on the hair dryer bot will offer

MyatKO. 11.10.19

firkax, yeah, harder work and think hard. I do not discredit the work of the moderator, I just want them to simplify it. well, isn't it?
cristagalli, I'm a full player, like everyone else, have every right to offer something or against something to protest. why should I enable [victims] of the Messiah to sit on his ass? and, of course, the first two points - water, therefore I propose to remove them.
gottenspell, awareness of some of the things that comes over time. sometimes, years later. I resigned because realized that they are doing the game. and during these ~3 years I almost didn't come on the server very rarely and most often in chalice. now I play most, and begin to offer anything.
cristagalli, is nonsense. I do not impose the use of the Mat, as well as not approve of flood and insults, which I directly mentioned. and zonovskih the concept is a rooster theme. no need to think through and figure out all the essence I have already stated in the header post and back up their words comments.

Uncle Fred 11.10.19

A long time yuzal a simple MH that only the map opened without any treugolnikov, but then something went wrong and its use has become impossible...that I liked him! So, I don't remember-which one is firk created.