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Kovboy belomor 12.05.20 02:57 pm

Who and how to cure a hangover?

The wedge-does not roll.Zae Tired.Most importantly, maybe someone knows how to soothe the liver and the toilet stop scaring?
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Posledovatel 12.05.20

from booze shrinks the brain, it is better not to drink, not your

GeRR_Praetorian 12.05.20

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
When did you call me? I don't remember. In short, the hare vanity. Get a glass, pour five.

GeRR_Praetorian 12.05.20

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
I after tomorrow for four days in kvashyne leave. You take a ticket? What go?

yarilomaster 12.05.20

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Drink the normal swill, God forbid not the beer. Espolon tequila for example.

bloomm 12.05.20

No booze, no hangover, it's simple. Better elastic to spend and to call on old friend =)

Kovboy belomor 12.05.20

arylmaleimides I am a simple collective-farm punk,what's your mother's tequila.

ColonelJason 12.05.20

The most stupid advice of all here presented. Tequila is one of the hangover drinks, regardless of price. Vodka is the best option and spirits, any doctor will confirm.

yarilomaster 12.05.20

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
well pankuj then

yarilomaster 12.05.20

I'm here or not plump or for fun che-thread good.

urban.kalabanovich 12.05.20

The man has received medical treatment, as I understand it, laddie, Monday now seems not such a difficult day.

Kovboy belomor 12.05.20

But when I was in Izmail,where vodka none drinks.Drink wine and from the heat all over the body.I do not believe that it is true.But is it really so.

Mag Otshelnik 12.05.20

Not to drink.

MorirMerda 12.05.20

Do not understand TCA, if he vomits this kind of poisoning, and alcohol to pour into yourself it's masochistic and a waste of booze which will valuesa back

Kovboy belomor 12.05.20

STANDS Mysyurin a Troika with bells.

Slava74oren 12.05.20

I will say this, there's NO remedy or cure a hangover, what they sell in the pharmacy all complete bullshit, all these brines etc also do not help, you just have to endure, self-will.

ColonelJason 12.05.20

MegaDen666 Generally, TRU Aliki unable to lock the morning Pallavi timely infusion, but if the body allows it, then he surrendered to the folly of the owner.

Kovboy belomor 12.05.20


Bombardirovschik 12.05.20

In short, I'd say.
folk remedies for hangover cure no. This shit is all placebo.
The only ways of curing a hangover is to drink again and so a little plump is not drinking. then go to bed and in the morning the hangover will be weaker, we can experience dry.
It is not available to all, there is a risk of falling into the bout.
And fawn at work.
there's an even better way is HERBALISM. But usually if you yuzaete and plump, especially not a hangover will not be as you hang on trees and get drunk desires will not.
Method datsany. there is a little pale the balls, but not stronger than a hell of a bone that.
well, the third way, not good. It yuzayut just doctors with droppers as the person above wrote.
It's TRUNKS , SEDATIVES that your nervous system slow down and you become like a vegetable but a drink is not hunting because you killed trunks. In severe cases, can pump so even pee can't stand up and week out, but no hangover. But this usually resorted in case of blackouts.
I the best way as above noticed-not to drink at all, especially if you know what will happen to you in the morning. Is it worth it?
The government allows the vodka which is then all sorts of types of persons in the style of naturally and the hangover from hell, squirrel, etc. and grass from which there is no hell ban for 228

There is still a 4 way but he's really mad
Solitarily dope

Kovboy belomor 12.05.20

MegaDen666Тут not even in the booze business,Water hunting is like after surgery.Water,mineral water,tea,brew it all goes into use.Only in the stomach or what not keeps.I don't see mineral water.But in this state, even Barska for $ 15 it's Holy water.If there were no transactions will not understand.

MorirMerda 12.05.20

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Well, I'm a hundred times etched on 101 realized that vlaku thump not just my, well, Yes, in the morning preferably drink everything cold, and lost hours to 12