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Mystikl 12.05.20 03:11 pm

FPS on consoles!

Why buy a console if there's only 30 fps and even up to 15 fps drops in games, ETOGES not normal and intelligent people with good eyesight will not buy the console. But PC is 60 fps and full ogrubelosti!

So tell me, why do we need a console if you play it with terrible brakes?
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Denis Kyokushin 12.05.20

The adversary
There is a shoal.It somehow degrades the quality.But a couple of meters is enough difference not to see

MunchkiN 616 12.05.20

the eye is not a digital camera that takes a picture 24 times a second and sends to the brain.
those that does not mean that if you show a special screen that appears with frequency of 48 frames people will ignore every 2nd frame.
just the brain will not collect in a clear picture. if you are in front of you will fly the aircraft for over the sound you see it but the brain is most likely not to respond. those you are giving value such visual imagery.
and perhaps the eyes could distinguish light - shadow 2000-4000 times per second. the speed of chemical reactions approximately such.

that's like when I played with the I in the dandy (there was such optical gun) clearly saw that the screen fills with a grid of darker pixels and in the target place appears a white square.
I do not seem seen. TK they said they could only see the flickering moment of the shot.
I later learned that this sensor really divides itself screen. and can be for example a light bulb shoot - so it worked.
so from the eye and sweep, nothing really depends.

Gauguin 12.05.20

The console is bought for games to for PC now to play into that. And FPS on consoles is normal, at least not sags as it can on a PC

slava.sse 12.05.20

No matter how much the human eye sees in frames per second. Incorrectly said by many that supposedly people can't see more than 24 frames per second, it is correct to say - the person is able to distinguish the image frequency of 24 frames per second, and it said for a long time, and mostly about the old movie film projected in theaters(this is my IMHO). And that the picture was smooth, her fps should match the refresh rate of the monitor(example: 60Hz = 60fps): what is the refresh rate of the monitor is more, the fps needs to be bigger and to be equal to the scanning frequency. This is applicable to your PC. I was about consoles but I think that there is any other tricks or something else in order to achieve smoother image on the TV at 30 frames per second, for example - motion blur. May be this is enough due to the fact that the camera rotation in games on consoles is smoother(with analog sticks). PC need more fps due to the fact that if you suddenly rotate the camera in the game with a mouse at 30 fps, the picture looks less realistic, and there may be gaps in the image or visual brake. There is, though old, but good article on this topic http://nvworld.ru/files/old/docs/30fps.html
I don't have a console and play on PC, but do not ban me because of what I just wrote in this thread. Yes, and if you want to play kruzis on PC at 60 fps, you'll have to spend a lot of money on the productive components. For example, in USA people do not care for the graphics, and playing them on PC that the consoles cost the same. Of course, they are cheaper to buy console than PC. For about the price of games only we are srachi. I would not mind having a console, but better Curling, because there exclusives are cooler.

Trasid46 12.05.20

And console HS because there grafon shit on the 2006 level, and everything slows down to 30 and below frames. I do not blame that I have a particular vision that I can positively play only at 60 fps and allow for their earned money to change the computer and video card once a year!

Since 2006, the console took the award for best graphics for games and became games of the year multiple times.
Xbox 360
2006 Xbox 360 Gears of War
2012 Xbox 360 Halo 4

2010 PS 3 God of War 3
2011 PS 3 Uncharted 3
2013 PS 3 the Last of Us

What was the PC for the period from 2006 to 2013? what a game for this period were obtained on the status of the PC exclusive game of the year or best graphics? only in 2007 schedule of the year was given to the first Crisis, then it was a breakthrough, since none of the game neither of which has received svedeniyu.

And let me know your computer configuration on what hardware you play all the games at 1920x1080p at 60fps? I suspect that my com is absolutely useless as fast as yours, but I don't see playing games on PC stable 60fps in any game, my video card gtx780 but even she can not play at maximum settings say the same krayzis with a stable at least 40фпс, or the Witcher 2 with oversampling average 25-40 fps, 60fps is about what we do not understand just. Well, about 15фпс on consoles that you drive, Yes there are games are usually multiplatform which sometimes drawdown FPS because no one really does not optimize, but there are the exclusives in which all licked to Shine, and fps usually always stable 30 fps and the graphics are head and shoulders above multi-platform.

You no one forced to play on consoles, you can continue to be a gray mass, and convince yourself that the PC is better for gaming, but most of those games on the PC enough to swear on a PC you couldn't play in the magnificent Red Dead Redemption or Halo4 or the Last of Us is game for which buy consoles and they fully profit from their invested money. I have hboh 360 and PS3 and after the new year they plan to purchase a PS4, I even question is not what to buy another PECS 780Ти or for the money to get PS4 or Juan.
on PC it does not play

Gauguin 12.05.20

Masterpiece. The best game of the generation for me

Shephard [U.S.S.R.] 12.05.20

in the magnificent Red Dead Redemption or Halo4 or the Last of Us
Is that all? For this I need to buy the console? Never in my life.

On a PC you can do the same as with the console. But, you do not understand in any way.

V1RuS.pr||0 12.05.20

as you zadolbali their consoles and PC,who cares who plays what,well, you can not look at 15 fps,well, not look,do not like the console play on a PC and let the console gamers.Consolers is not necessary to signability eksami well not have them on PC and to hell with them,life goes on-an example of the latest GTA - 2 months have passed and everyone has forgotten about it
I myself am a Baker from the top configuration file is 60 fps but fuck it was,the hands of well!PY developers nor canceled.
guys play everyone on the platform(always somewhere someone that is not ustaivayte),and someone else on there!)))))))

Alex04444 12.05.20

Answering the first post, how do you play the new Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, GOW, GeOW, etc., etc. on PC? I don't have Wii and Xbox 360, so it's not bias, you just have to answer your strange question. All adults understand that there will never be games for all, there will always be the exclusivity and if you have the resources and you like these games you're going to buy the console and games, if you do not have the resources - sit and envy, if you are so stoned that you don't want to take the game just because of the fact that she has a smooth 30 FPS and not 60, it's weird. And by the way, I did not notice almost never brake on the PS3 in games, although many of them go for 30 FPS, but on PC brakes due to poor optimization even on good hardware all around.

Trasid46 12.05.20

Shephаrd [U. S. S. R.]
Is that all? For this I need to buy the console? Never in my life.

On a PC you can do the same as with the console. But, you do not understand in any way.

Question and for some games on PC have to buy my own say ПЕЧ780ти for 30касарей?
Yes, it is possible to do on PC, any game consoles, is another question that I don't see that someone of the developers fooled.

I myself am a Baker from the top configuration file is 60 fps
One with the top PC, already on rzhach pull, I have a quake 3 config and my FPS is over 10,000, there is no market any game of 2005-2006 will go possibly at 1080p with 60fps, but as at the moment the owner of a top-end card ПЕЧ780 I don't see in games 60fps, so what's even if the mode of the 3 titans are not giving a stable 60fps in games like the Witcher 2 and crisis 3 and metro LL generally can bend any configuration of cancer.

Gauguin 12.05.20

Shephаrd [U. S. S. R.]
For the RDR is to buy a console, believe me. And I can't find any games, for which the cost to upgrade PC

Invektiv 12.05.20

Question and for some games on PC have to buy my own say ПЕЧ780ти for 30касарей?

For all the games, that would be the picture was normal on the highest setting.

Lou_Ashbey 12.05.20

Question and for some games on PC have to buy my own say ПЕЧ780ти for 30касарей?
While only for COD: Ghosts at that, even on the 780 will drop fps. But this is about how to buy Lada-eating rocket fuel instead of gasoline - costs not meeting expectations.
While next-gen games on the PC went a dense stream it can wait another year or half a year. And there are certainly prices on 780 and Titan fall and the new more powerful hardware will come out which will cost the same 30K.

hjbghv 12.05.20

I have such a weak laptop for me standard fps 20-25.Actually buy the console for eclusive

lexa1329 12.05.20

Ugh, I thought at least on the PS4 will not be soap, but when you see rust it's a soap in the best traditions of sony.

Invektiv 12.05.20

Compare square chest on PS 4 and normal on the pitch.

Gauguin 12.05.20

Tomb raider PS4>PC>PS3

Denis Kyokushin 12.05.20

I also have a question about FPS.If the console no/very little drawdown,then that on YouTube, I saw in TLOU?Also in RDR
I got Crisis 3 on medium was better,in spite of his voracity

MunchkiN 616 12.05.20

neither know how it is...
from what I've seen in jivuyu on хбок360 Igori went smoothly but with pixels
on PS3 I saw ned fo AIDS who was frostbite TC I drove to the pitch and there selcen 30 fps on the PS3 I had the feeling that she is somewhere at 25 fps or less and I almost soap choked. gov3 like normal shoal.
and 30 fps with high detail I think.
what is DDR and sruzis - DDR better compared to GTA 4 and sruzisa another way podgruzit he podawanie as such it is impossible if not as embedded pictures in the sruzis 2.

Trasid46 12.05.20

I also have a question about FPS.If the console no/very little drawdown,then that on YouTube, I saw in TLOU?Also in RDR
I got Crisis 3 on medium was better,in spite of his voracity

To answer your question, the fps is not perfect on the PS3 neither Tlou nor in the DDR, but none of these games does not fall below 20, and the tele smooth saved a great version of DDR H360 do without a problem in a fair and 720p, but that's not the question, these games are not on PC and no one knows they are there sort of worked, though with Tlou my question closed, sold PS3, bought a PS4 bundle with Tlou in it's native 1080p and 60fps, at the moment I have 4 PS4 games not counting masnago nonsense, it's tlou, metro Redux, infeymos, kilzona, in all these games, 1080p in tlou and metro Redux 60fps in infeymos and kilzone average about 45.
3 of these games on a PC is not present, and infeymos on the chart is head and shoulders above what all I have on PC at the moment, so I think to buy or not Desteni again on a PC which do not have, so the question is what is there now to play on PC? my ПЕЧ780 have half a year of games is not launched at all, in the next 3 months on the PS4 will be released a Warrant of Bloodborne, but on the PC what? waiting for 25 number one Juan.