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ferrumban 14.05.20 12:38 pm

Hammer Editor v.2 (Half-Life 2)

In this topic, ask questions and get answers on the Hammer Editor, the map editor for Source games.

The previous version of the theme.
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xDDGx 14.05.20

I don't know how to do textures with reflections (such as glass, preferably transparent). Maybe Alex will explain or tell a good example of such a texture?..

ferrumban 14.05.20

You mean simple static cubemap-reflections like in HL2, or expensive realtime reflections? for commapos you're just 16 units from the reflecting surface put Env_cubemap in the properties he's got a face exhibiting the desired, that is, you click there on the surface of the glass, put the size of Kulmatov, and then in the game when running the map and enter buildcubemaps (if the map is HDR comapy with HDR and then injected hdr_enabled 0, waiting for restart card, again make commapi, then turn on again HDR (value 2)). Keep in mind that there are size cusmapa exhibited at the hammer will require a certain screen resolution, that is, on the average monitor of large reflections can not be built.

If you want realtime reflection, then you do need func_reflective_glass Brasov, select the texture with the Shader Reflect (the only one in EP2 is, broken this glass, called also with the more eye-catching, you can see her vmt), but to make transparent a texture that most will not be - there is an alpha channel will not be used for the transparency of texture, and for the "density" of the reflection. Although you can try, I wasn't trying to make such glass.

xDDGx 14.05.20

I think I'll go and comapny. But nubstvo, I think I was trying to do just reallylove x(

Clipodel 14.05.20

Can further explain how to make a reflection on the textures or glass with reflection if you need more.

Someone tell me how can I control the range of drawing grass sprite that is used for blending textures.

xDDGx 14.05.20

It is in detail.vbsp?

Can further explain how to make a reflection on the textures or glass with reflection if you need more.
Well, if you are not lazy - it would be nice ^_^

Cvoxalury 14.05.20

There is the command cl_detaildist and cl_detailfade.

xDDGx 14.05.20

If you need to protect any location from the player and NPC, it is sufficient to use only NPC/Player clip, or have NPC Clip + Player Clip? And how it differs from the past simple Clip and Player Clip Control?

Clipodel 14.05.20

About textures with reflection.
If it needs to be a regular texture with reflection, for example tiles, then it is necessary to create the textures are also a reflection map, ie a texture (black and white), where light colors mark places which have Shine and dark or black colors paint the areas that, respectively, should not Shine.

It looks like this:


Vmf and the texture file will look like this:

$basetexture clipodel/brick\cl_brick_wall_shlak
$envmap env_cubemap
$envmapmask clipodel/brick\cl_brick_wall_shlak_spec (the path to the texture Shine)

Another option is to do the normal map, it is also desirable with an alpha channel, the glitter went more realistic.
In this case make a normal map with a special program and she added an alpha channel with black-and-white texture of the glitter, it would look like this:


Vmf and the texture file will look like this:

$basetexture clipodel/brick\cl_brick_wall_shlak
$bumpmap clipodel/brick\cl_brick_wall_shlak_normal (the path to the normal map)
$normalmapalphaenvmapmask 1 (parameter responsible for ensuring that the map of the gloss was taken from the alpha channel of a normal map)
$envmap env_cubemap

Well, something like this.

And about the glass means easier.

Draw the texture of the glass, then she's in the alpha channel add tonal texture to a gray color (from white to black, if too white or bright texture alpha channel, the glass will be almost opaque, if too black texture of the glass is barely visible).

Then vmf prescribed parameters:

$translucent 1 is responsible for the transparency of the glass
$envmap env_cubemap

As I could explained in General. If you have any more questions then ask.

xDDGx 14.05.20

OMG, a splint. ATP! Now, I think, understood completely.

Clipodel 14.05.20

People tell me how to do such a thing: let's say you want to by pressing all four buttons, the door opened well, or exploded. Know how to make only one. So the question how to make so that only by pressing more than one button run the script?

xDDGx 14.05.20

Oh, and in personalthe it is very easy, multimarca. It was enough to specify its name as the target of two, three, etc entity and all. In HL2 I do not even know how the Source looked Inside - there's nothing really there... Try to name all 4 buttons the same name, can prokanaet.

Although I see a multisource in the list of undocumented CSS entity, maybe in HL2 too? 8)

I found this option on csmania (there are good tutorials and a lot number):
In short: you can make a math_counter, which will activate all 4 buttons. It is necessary to make so that the counters count up to 4, opened the door.

Clipodel 14.05.20

There is logic_multicompare and filter_multi

xDDGx 14.05.20

Oops, a bit late. I updated my previous post - it seems to have found the solution on xmania - you can do this by using a math_counter'a.

Clipodel 14.05.20

Thank you. try)

Clipodel 14.05.20

People, tell me how you can loop some sort of process? Let's say I want to make different sprites appeared and disappeared after a certain period of time.

spectre from TM 14.05.20

logic_timer, theit is a function of repeat

Clipodel 14.05.20

spectre from TM
Thank you.

Clipodel 14.05.20

I'm sorry that the question is not the topic, but does anyone know how to load my map in CS Global Offensive workshop on Steam?

xDDGx 14.05.20

With this, it seems:

Clipodel 14.05.20

Thank you, understood.