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The Walking Dan 20.05.20 10:44 am

Gallium (Rome: Total War)


And who played for Gauls?
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Turbo Pascal 20.05.20

About the siege. I have not yet used this technique. Usually at the first threat, I immediately deduce a General in the field. But, I think, would not be able to resist if the General was caught in the siege. You're right though, the bug looks like. While the agents thrown out of the city, why would the General not to throw)

The Brits, as I have not played, do not attack immediately, but still will attack sooner or later. And he who does not strike first, strike first. Better to proactively capture of the brig city on the continent (immediately after the destruction of the Julii), quickly do a port and destroy all the boats of the Britons. One middle army could until that time to resist the assault.
When the Brits attacked, it is better to fight in the forest thicker, at least the flanks well when in the Bush. This reduces the effectiveness of the chariots.

Tactics are commonplace. Screaming until exhaustion, while the Brits are like, and then the total charge chrome with the tune of the General. Tricky tactics are not particularly come up with the troops.
Importantly, the economy of the Gauls may allow the contents protiwaritmical army.

Weird. I have 1.0, and 1.3 and 1.5 full army in an ambush staged

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20

Does anyone know how to fight against the Germans?
1 unit of spearmen have 3 swordsmen detachment.The Greek hoplites and it's easier to break because they are afraid of attacks from the flank.Germanic spearmen hold good strikes from the flanks, and can even ruin the cavalry.
Where they all phalanx? They from the Greeks even further than the Gauls.

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20

I also decided to add more dogs.Gali dogs cheap, are on morality (which is useful in the defense of the city),and in the pumped state to have a frenzied attack.To my surprise, they even tore the hastati as mice.Another dog fight to the last and their units regenerate itself.

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20

Their Archer is the super unit in the game. There are four units in the army and the Roman armies just quietly crawl away from the battle cards.

Many, if they will have time to shoot them before they attack.They even hired 2 stroke.

Alter Fritz 20.05.20

And dogs become unmanageable. And comes to the absurd. In my eyes, hundreds of dogs were chasing SEVERAL enemy soldiers while the enemy beat me on the other flank and DISAPPEARED over the red line with the fugitives !
Once they are hired 2 stroke - the Gauls and selected swordsmen and barbarian noble cavalry in two turns built.

Turbo Pascal 20.05.20

Against the Germans
Slaves can be thrown in Alessia to quickly start production of the elite, which has no trouble with the spearmen (with acceptable losses)
About the Gallic archers (super unit!) they may the whole army of the Germans to shoot, after all, pikemen attack with speed of the rink, and the women instantly exterminated
I noticed that the spearmen in the rear effectively cut all kinds of units with low defense but high attack and charge chrome (naked fanatics, etc.). Only they are in any case impossible for spears to send. Spears better farmers direct, they do not mind.

Once I attacked the German lancers from behind and carefully watched as they are kicking. No lance didn't turn around, but my troops were diminished in the eyes. The impression that the poison gases the Germans attacking from behind)))
But this rarely happens, usually the last fighters turn around and fight with small swords

Turbo Pascal 20.05.20

Spent several custom battles the elite troops of the Gauls with the elite of Pontus in order to find equal fractions for modeling cards.
Gave battle under the control of AI. In half of the cases won the bluff, half - Gauls.
Everything depended on the force structure and military success. The Gauls won, as if it were 80% selected swordsmen and 20% selected archers (without cavalry, which did not oppose Kappadokia) at universal balanced army of Pontus (60% heavy infantry, 20% cavalry, 20% auxiliary troops).
Elite Ponta is power! So the Gauls, a powerful faction. They can be put against each other with the final military buildings.

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20

Turbo Pascal
Elite Ponta is power!

Perhaps it is.I remember 3 times lost to bluff when you try to capture the Mazak.I was almost alone so pumped hoplites with 3 experience and +1 weapons.The Pontus army was only 1/3 of the elite.

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20

Turbo Pascal
Spent several custom battles the elite troops of the Gauls with the elite Ponta

In the campaign ,probably, the strength depends on starting position and initial forces.The Gauls-the German lancers - was General Lafayette.
I can't imagine how it is possible for the Gauls to live up to the elite, when all sides attack the strongest faction.

Tribun 20.05.20

the map MM the Gauls no possessions in Spain, and the British have no city on the mainland. the Germans also seem to have to get through the rebel. so you can not very much strain about the earlier attacks and pay more attention to the Romans. and to the elite to live easier.

Turbo Pascal 20.05.20

Choose the two key cities in Europe and Italy and all the slaves got there. Stroy only military buildings, but in the other cities and economic. Elite will quickly appear. The Spaniards do not touch, until they build a grove Anyboby +3 small. Although, if quickly cut Brutus, the Macedonians will have time to build a large temple of Artemis, also + 3 shooting (unfortunately, they are unable to destroy the Greeks). Then run through these temples archers and equal to you in the world will not. 6-7 units of archers, heavy infantry and a few cavalry - all tear. In the course of buying up all the hoplites in the Balkans and then in Asia, it is useful against catapults and chariots. Never build selhozperepisi, well, don't forget the capital transfer. And then the Gauls, the churches are weak, very hard for a large Empire to keep in subjection. If far goes to Asia, give Europe the Romans, they are expensive and amphitheatres built. Then come back, pick up)
For the Gauls in General it is easy to pass. Great troops, the starting economy is good.

Turbo Pascal 20.05.20

About Ponta, once the conversation went. As for the Romans I'm up to 190 g were waiting for the reform of the Maria, but did not wait. Landed in Asia Minor hastati and triarii. So I bluff from horror caught. Solid elite was 190 g no matter how how. The two armies from one barely fought back the only way with heavy losses to win. But it is one of the most interesting of the company.

Turbo Pascal 20.05.20

More about the fight against the Germans.
When I rebel against them, fought, did so:
The lancers brought the most trouble, they punched rebelsky hoplites coped in a frontal attack with the bandits, until I invented a simple but effective tactic.
Attacked spearmen peasants in loose formation. After the contact has cancelled the order, placing them in a defense mode. While the Germans had been exterminated extended order of peasants, their back sprinkled illirici, and then methodically carved naked fanatics, well, or forest bandits. In the end, the losses were mainly peasants. A regular army was maintained for the Gauls with them such a number will not work)
For rebel peasants a lot, and that's to use them.

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20

Tried immediately to capture the British town turned out to be quite real.Captured without much loss.Had the whole gornizona to send and risk their faction leader.I do not know, perhaps, was to win without the General's guard.
The main thing is not to brake and bring down all the forces of the enemy at the same time, there were no lagging parts, especially on cars, because they have powerful assault.If the chariot picks up speed, they can be a great loss.

dsadgrt435434 20.05.20


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zOmbiRovany 20.05.20

ya Gamal,normal barbarian army ,but the Germans IMHO Lucca.

Dgosser 20.05.20

I also played quite a difficult faction, the beginning is extremely dangerous. Against Rome is not much overclocking, from the Senate, the army put forward, had to go on the defensive. Well, all the rest had to fight))) Germans, Brits, Spaniards all at once in bulk(Julia and the Senate itself).
I liked their heavy barbarian cavalry, heavy swordsmen and archers are cool!

Kelt 20.05.20

A few screenshots)



oleg RTW 20.05.20

funny the movie turned out + 100500 especially in the first screenshot

Kelt 20.05.20

Thank you)))) still 2 stack Gallic forest archers, with gold stripes is able to sow panic in the ranks of any army =))