The best face in ME2 (Mass Effect 2)
The rules are as follows-we post either the link or the picture with the face of your character and when naberetsya 10 personsthen decide who is the best 1st 2nd 3rd And the same with Ladushki 10 persons.
Of the Shepherds of men like varus shepherd. The face of this severe man.
From Shepard more women vseo like Lee Shepard. No comments, just likes. :)
No, apparently as long as the vote otkladyvaetsya
PS: please Clean up your posts is not the topic please, shtop theme beautiful'e was
VanishingWalker.I am taking part in the competition
Evan Shepard,Sturmovik:
PS Black Guard
Why not Frank?;)
14.05.10 21:08 VanishingWalker.I am taking part in the competition
Evan Shepard,attack
Yes, it would be better called Virgil.:)
14.05.10 21:38 And th it Virgil?
Well, the name pipeas...poetic.:D
Fear and tremble,pathetic konkurentske!
On the scene a true winner!
John shepherd,fear of mirrors,fear of reflections
Well podnatuzhtes already Maami)) Or give separately, we will begin to choose Isupov, M along the way to collect. Even with these strict applications" precisely will never be dozens of Msepu)) and W was already 10, and because of these rules again the shortfall and waiting for something to happen. The excitement is lost, although he was so close to zero... Dad, let's add two more (or even all) of Esipov of the posts above, here's the application:
Harmony Of Hell. Take part in the competition.
Jane Shepard (suspended)
IU 123. Take part in the competition.
Jane Shepard
Arwen. Take part in the competition.
Jane shepherd (also suspended)
KleopatrA aka Victoria I. participate in the contest.
I don't know, let it be Victoria shepherd )))
From МЕ1 during... does Not roll?
For more than 10 a long time...
Thanks for the reminder:)Really, that I completely forgot about this thread..
Wow rules, just like in serious voting))
Jane Shepard (suspended)
Let it be Jane Shepard) the True name, save in secret=)
Vote..after much agonising, decided to stay on the brutal shepherd, Jane shepherd (6aTbKo18)
with the men's side, Evan Shepard (VanishingWalker)
marK.B. thank you for looking after my Shep;))
marK.B. thank you for looking after my Shep;))
In vain, probably didn't need to do that :P ))
So, 6aTbKo18 vote without Tsepov? Voting started or what?)