sc poison dmg for the barbarian (Diablo 2)
what do you think about such charnov about 650 DMG for BB beaver without neck. is there any of them good? in fact, out 650 for ~7-8 seconds. it is 100 sec. given the cuts from the mobs - the damage shouldn't even Kotz. tried to check on the mobs, their HP drops a little bit, but I think it's open wounds.Other resources that writing only 1 plus, this charm gives filitsa mobs.
Well to third-party resources write the truth, until the mob is green, he can not regeneration, although s has the same effect.
I'm not exactly checked, but hurriedly remember the poison to the player for nm x2, x4 Hella on for the duration. Mobs on the contrary, it turns out that the usefulness of these charmof for beaver in PVM too questionable, better raise your HP or max damage+HP with CHARNAME.
about karmov on MD is so clear. specific question about the poison there any sense or is just pretty stupid numbers for Barba.
from 40 to DMG with rabies persuasion there, but from 600 of czarnikow would certainly be the curtain. Although not with rabies and amking copies sense still is, in some cases, but there are high numbers of damage and AOE effect. And then 600 on a single target, ahem. It is better to gain smolak with +1 DMG it will give much more significant gains.
Sweety_Mustard wrote:
And then 600 on a single target, ahem. It is better to gain smolak with +1 DMG it will give much more significant gains.
XS well, the Poison DMG from venom Fingerboard with Damage on Physical immune mobs quite samatan, but PDMG there is applied for a much shorter period of time
In General, IMHO, if such tar rassmatrivayutsya to damage the Physical immune mobs or Mobs by keysim very high physical resist/(high residual Physical RES), it makes sense to consider them as an option.
But if as a replacement Carman C +MD, then IMHO a bit questionable
20K PD from Inventa + that + bramble mbmb Choteau can circle
there is another caveat - the neck should be removed
that's what I wanted to hear that nothing will), and when Grif is here, and poison is not needed, so DMG will be enough
CorvinOk wrote:
Physical immune mobs quite samatan,
why, when there is bers! And even smolak 4-5 light/fire resist, more profit. Well, venom fingerboard with 33 DMG per frame, tar 100/5 - less than 1 PZN DMG per frame.
fulinment, which is infinitely precious and you can replace the normal. In pvp is justified because kalnogo fine on mobs is absurd - he is the same ))
Sweety_Mustard wrote:
why, when there is bers!
Well, Chet forgot this cheat :kappa: from Barba Barba xDD though and well played )
And fell with this byada, when taking a very Long time tried c Grief and Vengeance with the Convoy and with Hanoi - full Specks ((