Pass Mass Fusion (Fallout 4)
The building Mass Fusion on the ground floor there is a lift which requires this pass, wandered all over the building but never found him anywhere.Has anyone already found and where?
Can you tell me where it is, and that found nothing, MB explosion from a grenade thrown somewhere
Look harder. In some of the boxes blank and the password from the terminal. Of course, provided that you have an active quest. So just will not let go.
Guys teleported on the quest to the roof of the fusion mass and, it turned out, slammed it down on the street... is there any way for her to get back???
something I have been everywhere and have not found a card that would be on the Elevator to the top of the climb
Guys, I took the rotorcraft on the roof mass fusion... What to do? Pass no vintokryl here sits not want!!!
Damn... I losharik. Just now remembered that you can teleport xD it perekupil in finding ID badge
What if I already blew the appropriate quest is not to the upper levels and roof of this building now is not to get?
So like, suddenly there is something interesting lying around and just look good...
There was only the quest of BS or Institute. In addition to maps to the Elevator and the usual stuff there's nothing there. Hmmm, the explosion of the Institute, button for blowing this roof is.
above this platform isn't something panikanova? ;) If I Nitsche not confuse, there's kind of like full-time-but poleznenko nychka should be and it is possible to jump is that with the jetpack...
The only nychka which I know is inside the building - fighting amphibious armor. And nychka, with special trophies, in the upper rooms by the roof, I don't know anything.
I may be confused, but there seems no armor was. there seems to just nychka. Or am I all messed up and not worth the bother ) I'll ever not be lazy and check...
In the vestibule if you look up, there's the glass floor, but with him, it is already possible to climb to the top with Jack and Pat. There leggings allows you to jump from any height. And if you get there a tcl command, they will not be there. )))
with tcl, I got everywhere in past adventures. SchA I play survival with activated saving. but the console kept going off. in order not to create yourself temptations ;) as soon as gets to džetpaka - climb...
And, Yes, it seems. There was a good view of the explosion. Probably didn't remember all the skyscrapers.
This means that was upstairs, but then there was no jet pack on the roof to hop in some couple of add-ons already on the roof was not possible.
But with the pack now from the inside of the building is also not to climb, I get to one of the upper floors jumping about breaks, but at the top of the pull is not enough. It is necessary to fly up a few floors, to cling to walls not for that, no protrusions.
Arvalon wrote:
So like, suddenly there is something interesting lying around and just look good.
Amphibious shoes