Will do pre-orders? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Interested in the opinion of the public, before leaving less than a month, whether to buy now? Frankly it was the experience of the acquisition of DA: Inquisition on pre-order - sorry.wise-sokol
You don't understand the game. Please stop writing posts on the Internet.
Play Origin Access and concluded. But most likely buy anyway. The game should really try to not like me because I'm a fan of Musica and space in principle.
Not understand, what for to do pre-order?There are only skins and bonuses for multiplayer, which surely will be then separately to buy.
Because the stupid pre-order is cheaper. After the release of the game will cost at least 2.5 tyra.
Why cheaper then? Standard as is 1999, and will cost, where the news about the 2.5 K?
16 Mar probably discovered a lot of bugs, and on the other, it can not be, in this mass testing. What do you think, if not will lead to lower prices, then certainly it will not increase.
The news will see after the release date. I am also waiting for torrent edition DAI, and received it a year after release. Before the release of the game was worth 500 rubles cheaper than after. However, if you have a crystal ball ("as is 1999, and will cost), it is quite another matter :)))
To EA and suddenly reduced the price of this visokaviciene the game... the greed of this office already became a proverb. I have no desire to give 2 tyra, but year, as in the case of DAI, I just will not wait, it is easier to fork out.
Standard costs 1,400 rubles for 30% discount, all the smart people already on it and pre-order bug.
WF72 wrote:
torrent edition DAI
By the way, there is still the ancient version and crutches through a half-hour edit the saves to change the background, instead of bale.
in March order, will not escape. and whether or not? if there's a better analogy,then not worth it. I do not see. except that the poles of cd red'and suddenly into space will
pre-order should have been done when it was worth 1300. And so it's probably better to wait for discounts
For torrent all free without multiplayer.
Well, from the poles only Quint planned, Ala hearthstone, cyberpunk for a long time to wait, and not the fact that will be a good as the Witcher.
Something especially after seeing this daunskih facial GG 20 days before the release no desire to do a pre order