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Pupsik22 28.05.20 05:26 pm

The average temperature in the hospital?

In Russia, according to Rosstat,in 2016, the average salary was 616 dollars (about 36,000 rubles).
Is it really so?
Can you estimate the average salary among the PG people (your or your ancestors, if still not working)?
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Wing42 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
I-an ordinary middle-class
The middle class in the conditions of Russian realities are rare. For sport can compare the criteria that define a person belonging to middle class in the United States with the criteria that apply to you.
ColonelJason wrote:
...call things by their proper names, in particular, bestial bestial cattle cattle.
In fact, in the naming of entities by their names there is nothing to be ashamed of. Another question is whether you aren't this the darkness of the body?

[MayzeP_CTaLiHa] 28.05.20

10-15K Prokopyevsk. Salary in 20K is considered Royal

ColonelJason 28.05.20

Wing42 wrote:For sport can compare the criteria that define a person belonging to middle class in the United States with the criteria that apply to you.
I use Wikipedia, and, like, all right converges.

Wing42 wrote:Another question is whether you aren't this the darkness of the body?
Prefer to live and work with the assumption reversed.

maxxim1891 28.05.20

Please explain to the uninitiated that there is a bestial cattle and the middle class, On what criteria do they differ?

ColonelJason 28.05.20


maxxim1891 28.05.20

A bestial cattle?

ColonelJason 28.05.20

Minded people mind, poor income, low education, lack of critical thinking, unable to perform complex tasks and to manage your life. Tend to live in bestial conditions, and perform bestial work.

Vanya Rygalov 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
Of course it is an insult. Only caused it was not me, but nature with its socio-evolutionary processes. I'm just saying.
Spoilers'est magnifique! Dude, I like your logic. And if I may, I also will use it.
ColonelJason wrote:
I'm a regular middle class - is not the peak of human development, frankly, but not mobile, then excuse me.
Nature with its socio-evolutionary processes suggests to me that the issue is not the peak of human development you're right.
And that's true.
The Rest... B R E X N I!
You're not black? Heh, heh... You're worse (continues to whisper nature with its socio-evolutionary processes), much worse.
The braggart, snickering with arrogance maiorescu says:
ColonelJason wrote:
Minded people mind, poor income, low education, lack of critical thinking, unable to perform complex tasks and to manage your life. Tend to live in bestial conditions, and perform bestial work.
Dude, but all of this applies primarily to you. Why did you decide that you do not fall under the above you people? You can consider yourself indefinitely middle class (heh, heh...)... But believe what you like tells the wise Mother Nature with their social-evolutionary processes, there is no obligation?
You don't bydlota? But the Nature of their socio-evolutionary processes disagreed - bydlota degree deep mudzvova.
Who to believe? You or nature?
Solemates, you felt offended because I like you, too, didn't mean to offend, but merely articulate the nature of... (well, you ponel).

maxxim1891 28.05.20

First: who unreasonably diminish mental abilities of their own kind, is at least himself near crazy.
Second: regarding the meager incomes see my comments above.
Third: Jedem das Seine
P. S. You seriously believe that you control your life?

Bombardirovschik 28.05.20

take Google for work watch in Moscow/St. Petersburg no matter what city you are in, watch the proposal (to lazy to Google it will say 28-35K) , isolate the hourly rate (example - 30 000 /31/12 = 80 RUB/hour) , multiply it by the normal number of working days - (23) and the hours per day (8) receive 14720 RUB/month - this is the average salary in the region where they offer a similar watch.
Because it is obvious that nobody will go to watch live with chocks in the trailer if it would be possible at home to raise money.

ColonelJason 28.05.20

Vanya Rygalov
Look, you're very painfully took it all,I'm not what these people are accused: some people just-degenerates, descended from degenerates and is not able to produce anything but the same roundnose worthless degenerates.Ordinary genetics. You have done a great job, honestly don't want to put himself above this category , but I can't share your derogatory views of themselves.

maxxim1891 wrote:who unreasonably diminish mental abilities of their own kind, is at least himself near crazy.
Absolutely agree with you. Fortunately, the mental faculties are like me (I think of people voluntarily opting out of my society can be called such) no doubt are not, and the ability of dumb-ass rednecks don't need belittling, because they are nominally low.
About to each his own, too, totally agree.In particular, mongrel cattle live a miserable worthless life, give birth to such worthless monsters, and die in disgusting poverty and ignorance, without meaning and dignity, exactly as befits a filthy disgusting beasts.

urban.kalabanovich 28.05.20

And this term wages we have a case already has not withdrawn from use? So salaries haven't seen, handouts Yes, RFP no.

requiemmm 28.05.20

Statistics are generally fun science, adjusting the selection you can get any result. When deputies interviewed, so we have a whole country of millionaires is. But if Zamkade generally people do not count, so in General the Golden Age of Kleptocracy has come:)

mental skills like me And there are mental abilities? Or the ability to adapt and lick the right ass at the right time? Are two different things. Usually mean lousy Manager tend to overestimate the complexity and importance of their work, while not being able to put together a stool or replace the switch:) Smart, highly paid, but it is not able to solve the real challenges of the real world by methods other than to give money, I do everything. About them, often things come, you will freeze to death a mile from the house, then burn, then lost, the ice begins to chase kruzak and sinking with him....funny guys.

nikita2112 28.05.20

Vanya Rygalov wrote:
Why did you decide that you do not fall under the above you people?
Cattle have a remarkable property. It is not always you.

ColonelJason 28.05.20

maxxim1891 wrote:we live in the ass
Dude, do not generalize - in the ass live you worthless brutes, because you deserve it. Personally I live in a nice prestigious area of the city, create your destiny with your own hands and don't complain about anything. With regards to the rest of your transition to the individual to say: the brutes disgusting in everything, including in their methods in controversy, then you're nobody's surprised. Especially the wish about the baby says a lot about you, your education, and,ultimately, about your genes , and those you gave them. But since we are talking about this: my child is very good talks in a year and a half.Well, when you have good genes normal people and not poor animals.

ColonelJason 28.05.20

I'm sorry, and from what source you derive your idea about the people around me, in particular, on their professional activities? I said somewhere that I'm surrounded by menedzeris?

masha 28.05.20

The President like to explain about salaries. The cheaper ruble, the higher the salary. Have takovyhle.

A.Soldier of Light 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
I'm a regular middle class - is not the peak of human development, frankly, but not mobile, then excuse me.
The middle class was the best thing that can (and should) be in a developed society. Ideally, all residents should be equal the middle class, so to speak. It's wealthy people who do not think about every penny and if they will have enough money until your next paycheck. It is obvious that in a typical country on Earth the ratio of rich and poor approximately 10 to 90 (percent), although part of these 90% are middle class... they Say that in Russia it is somewhere between 10-20 million people (the middle class)? Or this figure is too optimistic? ;]

Wing42 wrote:
criteria which determine belonging to the middle class
Your big house or nice apartment, couple of cars, family and a chance to feed her without problems. The extra money on annual trips abroad (there are all sorts of resorts and etc.). Not vnaprej buy a new PC (at least$ 1,000), if needed.. and any thing at all about this cost, if required. To live, not to survive. Did I miss anything? )
And Russia seems to be much cheaper than in the US, right? All its nuances...

[MayzeP_CTaLiHa] wrote:
Salary in 20K is considered Royal
Well, Yes, if you compare with a salary of 10K )) And if the national average? The middle class is obtained more than the average salary...

ColonelJason wrote:
Vanya Rygalov
Look, you is very painful all took it
It is not so simple ) He's a critic and he do not care by and large on you.
But when you went a little overboard with generalizations and mind, you hinted at it.

maxxim1891 28.05.20

Fascism stinks

requiemmm 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
I said somewhere that I'm surrounded by menedzeris?
No, but the spirit is written is very reminiscent of the style of communication of the poor, received a small but office. My grandmother at the post office talking, when you meet enough advanced grandmother, who was tired of standing in line. Woman, do you even know what a computer is?!! At the same time she is not able to restart the computer, staring at the screen like a sheep at a new gate.
It's all confidence, realize that and don't know many, and with outstretched wings can fly, no stability, and that barnyard. Firmly standing on his feet people rarely even draws attention to the fact that it is surrounded by rednecks and idiots. He took it as a given and the rules of the game. Free time he directs to see them again. And with surprise noticed that at least half have a lot to learn, they are just a little different. But others can be directly in the dump.