As you did with genophage? (Mass Effect 3)
What happened with genophage?I am now on this mission. The decision is very difficult. Don't know what to do. How did you?
(ACTION) Shot Mordina,sprayed not a quality Genova,received assistance from Calatrasi salarians,the krogan and turian.Eva died.
Although the (ROLE) can be Mordin to agree and he will be alive.
What I can't understand Krogan poisoned genophage 100-200 years, Tuchanka is in ruins, all Krogan scattered across the galaxy and became mercenaries-security guards-thugs, Rex the second part became the chief of the tribe - well, maybe several tribes, he lives in a ruined basement. And all at the same without the mighty kaganskoe army, turian biggest army in the galaxy can't help us. Where there are all these Armada krogan? Do salarians, the Council members have already figs knows how many centuries, there is at least a small fleet, etc.
Yes there isn't connection... I Read somewhere that on Tuchanka still living as many as a billion women are krogan...
Supported the krogan, cured of genophage, reconciled turian and krogan, Motrin died.
I was told when moving that detresse asked not to cure the krogan, then cured genophage spent Mordina, but more akin to Rex - he's with the first part. And Yes - reconciled krogan and turian
Going through right now. I'm Braganca will die, because in part 2 destroyed the data, but still it turned out that Rex had died in part 1. What wasn't my fault. To go with the 2nd part started, apparently, randomly generate events.
And Mordin a great friend. To destroy genophage will not. There is no benefit from such prospects.
With cagali he killed him then? If correctly select the answers then don't you shoot him and Ashley
If Mordin died in the second part of genophage can be cured? and will eve survive?
Eva also like once did die, or am I mistaken? Most likely you can, because it is an important part of the story
Now I was just Tuchanka, eve survival generally depends on whether the saved work of Melona. There it explicitly States, blah... blah... thank you for saved, thanks to them Eva healthy.
Strangely, I kind of left the second part and I have seravno died, pancake or destroyed, I do not remember
I've not understood if to deceive the Krogan and Moradin will survive it turns out you will be given the troops as a Krogan, a Turian Saliency and what? or not?
I Krogan cheated and Mordina slammed(very sad moment )..... I have now Saliency and Croghan.
Cured genophage. Mordina of course sorry, but krogan deserve another chance. And an army of krogan is very necessary in the war with the Reapers.
as for the ending effect?
everything will remain? it is possible to easily cheat?
Lied to twice, to the last did not want to treat them. Too aggressive, and give the opportunity to demand assurances Rex was not given the opportunity. But in the end realized that-Fuck I was sorry both times without thinking about that - how many Krogan have suffered from them. And secondly, was ordered to destroy data genophage. So let the reptiles learning to make concessions to these warriors. Although did because even the game couldn't lie. Don't like to lie, especially when so many depend on me. If we Rex in any case, I would have helped, especially the turian, so let's give him this chance. Salarians - hero. I think it will help rapprochement between the two warring races. And the turian wise a lot more reptiles, so if that will make the right comments.
In the first part saved Rex, the second preserved data in the third part cured. Rex, if th, will not attack the people + the planet they deserve (Tuchanka-a bunch of shit). Anyway if the turian, the asari and salarians will die, I will only get better, because they MSY@Ki as one. And are the galaxy's only people Croghan, rakhny and geta. The more I fuck don't need anyone.