\"Instinct\" not working? (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Tested all ways, but can't get gain 100% crit. damage. GOG, 1.31, license.Screenshot taken from Google.
Alex Hawk
Write down the numbers of Crete, without the skill, and then with him. Well, the oil should be put under the enemy.
Dmitry Solodilov
Of course. I have conducted all kinds of tests. Even with intoxication, with full overdose, etc All tested. The damage changes only in the area of error. Well, for example, without the skill 1400-1600, with skill - the same thing. In the article, too, adds nothing.
Just the Hunting Instinct zabagovan. But there is a patch )
Hunter Instinct Skill Patchhttp://www.playground.ru/files/witcher_3_wild_hunt_patch_dlya_navyka_ohotnichij_instinkt-151198/
On PG I had it filled, but the publication has not yet passed, so referring to only foreign, but the archive is a Russian README.
UPD: link to pg