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AlexeyMC 31.05.20 11:37 am

Hacking using Cheat Engine (Torment: Tides of Numenera)


Has anyone tried to improve yourself when creating a character using Cheat Engine? I was able to change 3 parameters, are simple, just need to look for from not 5 min from scratch... Ie, it's really starting 5/5/5 0 0 0 and changing them, easy to find, kinda one by one and sifting. But here's the problem, then, is not to run the game, just not active button in the last tab. Did anyone have this happen?

Lovers of fair play, the death cheaters, etc., go to the forest, do not want, do not read and do not use, not forced. Do not have too much vine and flooding.
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DarkStrip73 31.05.20

There will be no ability selection option though. Figure the thing is hard-coded, probably into an array of tiers in each tier where it stores data about what you choose to upgrade at that tier. Explains why directly edited the stats aren't saved permanently.
Unfortunately will not be able to save them, says the author)

BeaverSid 31.05.20

Well, depending on how you do)))
That's what happened
Opisaniyami ciphers: 17
Health: 130
Glasses options: 50/50/50
Talents: 10/10/10
Max. force: 10
Armor: 1
Resistance: 2
Dodging: 125%
Willpower: 125%
Abilities: all abilities of Nano, some of them are repeated several times to increase the limit of codes and improve some skills
Focus, Use the cipher Ability: Mechanisms, Mystical, Natural - ++ Specialist, other Specialist
Combat: none
Failure: Tactical weapons, Heavy erwiesen inventoryScreen window character

DarkStrip73 31.05.20

After rebooting preserved?

Kovboy belomor 31.05.20

vovann1998Выложил would save on start or first car.Earned karma and heaven at the same time.

BeaverSid 31.05.20

Yeah. Now description will make and load the save game in the cheats

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
From here descend? )))

Kovboy belomor 31.05.20

BeaverSidКонечно,thank you,and my hands are not the place to grow.

DarkStrip73 31.05.20

I'm more interested in manipulation))

BeaverSid 31.05.20

Later. Upload the save game, then tell me. I'll tell you at the moment until you come up with normal tables and/or the editor saves, it's long and boring

DarkStrip73 31.05.20

I understand you LVL up the stats raised?

ShiHou 31.05.20

Using the table above I never got to make constant changes, they are reset, but as I understand it should be, as told by the table. This is not good.
But when he broke at character creation, you could do on a regular basis 50/50/50. Then pohimichit levels, in the end pumped all the possible skills and put 1 level.

Zeronius 31.05.20

and for the man to stir up svedese ?)
and Yes,what to pump at higher levels in skills now if you're ability to choose ?)

muslimfromgrozny 31.05.20

see the version 1.01 is not the topic. tried both tables. question marks are instead of the values

BeaverSid 31.05.20

1. Cheat Options, Talents, Buffs, Research skills, improving ability level
Slot 1-5 feature availability with each step increase in level. 1 - available, 0 - ispolzovanie
tier - character level, midTier - the number of the step of increasing the level
Can be used at any level: freeze Slot 1-5 and midTier and вперед2. Cheat abilities
Spoilerphobes we select only at higher levels. But a simple change of tier will not help us, because (me personally) if the level of open, then when you re-raise to the same level any abilities we already get.
To find values I used to use ArtMoney, so I used it.
We need a character level 1, without any improvement
Looking for the number 1 and get a few billion addresses
Screens in English, because it did for the authors cablesystem, to facilitate further search, several times filtered the result
SpoilerRaise the level to 2, the filtered number 2.
Raise the level to 3, filtered, number 3.
Increase the level to 4 or more don't produce any improvements, which can be filtered the number 4.
Then filtered the number 4 until the number of found addresses will not cease to decrease.
Add the found number to the table.
If you isolate them from the level value and change it only, we again get an increase in abilities, so you need to change everything at once. It's specifically for values I did not understand (Yes, I'm a lazy bastard), so I just changed everything at once.
To change them all at the same time, press Ctrl+A, then Alt+V and set to 1
SpoilerRaise the level and-and-and...
Profit!Here there are nuances
Спойлер1. As already wrote - it is necessary to change at once all found level value.
2. Lower level is necessary only in the beginning of the level (pardon the tautology), not passing a single step. If you select at least one step and lowering the level, then when obtaining informed open level abilities you already get. Even if you will be able to level - the process can samohovets and steps will be unavailable (possibly save the change Slot 1-5. not tested). Convulsive change level to 1, save/load, a new search will give nothing. Will have to load an earlier save, where all is well.
3. Save often. Increased several times the level, put our 6-8 the values of unity, preserved and enjoyed on.
4. Abilities that are given automatically in the capture level will be automatically taken EACH time you take this level. That's what I clocked up its Nano Increase the limit of the cipher and the Increase in the concentration.
Spoiler5. If at higher levels you have skills that you can choose, you will automatically receive 2 skill (the blades and keys - 1), which chose the last choice of skills (again pardon the tautology). So I clocked Resourceful and the connection with the ionosphere (see screenshot above).
How to avoid it or time to stop this cheat. When you can still choose skills, look for sub points. The principle is the same as here http://forums.playground.ru/torment_tides_of_numenera/vzlom_cherez_cheat_engine-930322/#comment-16073512 then, when a window with a selection of abilities (now empty) put the value of 2 (1 for the blades and keys) and press the Next
6. Well, given all the above, cheat of ability will most likely only have the new Persians, which has not yet passed, no step-level rise. Although I don't know...Seems to be all that could vspomnitsya on сейвhttp://www.playground.ru/cheats/torment_tides_of_numenera_sohranenie_savegame_nano_zh_nachalo_igry-72798/

BeaverSid 31.05.20

To download-you don't want long and boring. Can the woman sex change ))). There will be only portrait of a female, all the rest - male

BeaverSid 31.05.20

And pump already it is necessary nothing - is already a maximum 4th level

Zeronius 31.05.20

Created Persian all Hark pumped at 70.skills passive from nano all active too, but pumped only 3.for a long time.duplicate pasivok annoying ) skills ..if someone will tell where this is stored that I can throw )

Zeronius 31.05.20

here because something happened )

Pokusun 31.05.20

Video do cheat talent (boosts skills), please=).

BeaverSid 31.05.20

There is nothing complicated:
Slot 1-5 - to change the value to 1 and freeze (mark with x)
midTier - change value to 0 (or 1 or 2) and freeze (mark with x)
Then in the game you can cheat talents, etc. as much as necessary - they will always be available and the level will not rise

BeaverSid 31.05.20

By the way the table v1002