Not started quest \"Molecular-level\" (Fallout 4)
Please help. After completing the quest Hunter/victimthe following story the Molecular level does not start at all. Please tell me what to do? (Thank You In Advance)
have you been to Amari that she told you?? she said she will not be able to decrypt the chip and that subway will decode...go to subway!!
Weird.After you kill the hunter, take the chip and go into the Elevator there.And the quest begins.
My problem was where to build this thing.Because the plate was not in the radiator.
Oh, armor and PIP-boy the black widow. Possibly due to mods, I put them after passing syuzhetki,but only 3 are fashion. Mod this armor has decided not to put
So you were in the subway? You Desdemona sult?she says that he has deciphered the fashion set?
nobody talks about the chip (Dr. Amari,Desdemona,Virgil). Yes fashion is ,as much as 80 Grand, but they are mostly armor and weapons and the plot is not affected.