That you can play on weak hardware
Leave games that you can play on weak hardwareEvilboy1998
Farcry 3,4,primal.
The trilogy of the Witcher in low qualities.
The Call of Duty series.
Yes, a lot of which can be played on weak PC with low qualities.
Star Wars: Battlefront II, Age of Mythology, GTA: San Andreas, the old part of Tomb Raider'and all parts of S. T. A. L. K. E. R'a, etc., etc., etc
Of course it depends what genre you prefer...and it depends on how much old iron.
But I will advise-Nox,Disciples 2-3,Diablo 2,Heroes of might and Magic 3.5,Max Payne.
Stronghold Crusader Half Life (including various modifications on this engine), Xenus: boiling Point, Fallout 2 is the game that the mood I play so far.
If the iron Museum - Another World, Worms, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Arcanum,The Temple of Elemental Evil, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Severance - The Blade of Darkness, Space Rangers, Mount & Blade. Downgrading to XP will not be superfluous.
Mafia 2,GTA SA,Mafia Modern Mod,Hitman old part,War Thunder(on older cards)Minecraft.