The redistribution of areas (Mafia 3)
Is it possible to give Rovno for example areas and then reach out to someone already given district? And is there a way for one passage to obtain all the maximum bonuses? (The game has not yet started to play)iDominion
the allocation of districts on a level (3 each), the income will be for 350000 each.
maximum all no (this is done so you have one or two Bang).
swing to the maximum makes sense only Burke, the other bonuses are not very...
Fun is still the same... Called, stood, smoked, and carried the rest! Vito rules! Always old chap cause if a lot of people need to remove!
The fact that not all maximum to do at the same time I understand if it is possible to transmit one and the same district from one to the other?
stood smoked will not work, they can't stand all by themselves if we don't help them die like flies
and there was a joke in the Bay on some kind of mission when they were called they espanoles not on the jetty and in the river, and they are so hilarious crocodiles devoured :D
Haha... Well, it's game glitches! In the swamps and I like the handle. Not called even once. In the city to capture - Yes... Help of course, but not much. Then again easier to quiet all strangle.
mankind has invented the very best control with Glushak)) fly headshots, and the enemies don't even know where the shot came from