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SkyraX 07.06.20 11:26 am

Morinth (Mass Effect 2)

as you keep her alive and to kill Samara??
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Espantorio 07.06.20

STREAK, merging with Morinth is only possible through absorption)).

Harbinger265 07.06.20

Oiglane [Overmind]
Well, why fail. Only if unprotected header the dominance of the throw before it will take control.

Kelevrus 07.06.20

No, I meant to fuck her and to stay alive. someone wrote somewhere that it is possible, that's why I asked.

PS And Samara the same way?

Harbinger265 07.06.20

Both options will not work.

Garrus-1994 07.06.20

No, I meant to fuck her and stay alive
This is impossible, forget about it:)

Kelevrus 07.06.20

In the blah family...

muromez 07.06.20

damn thread who explain how morinth to stir up that she's a sex soaked? if it is possible more in detail...

noggenfogger 07.06.20

You need to be renegades.

brazilium 07.06.20

fuck her and stay alive
Well, except that ubitsya the wall to turn. Because Morinth 400 years were killed in this way.

youtube videos look.

poT9ka 07.06.20

morinth worse than Samara, but morinth to zamutit possible! =))

brazilium 07.06.20

with morinth to zamutit can
once and saves it in the trash after that...

pashalet 07.06.20

what they actually differ in moral terms?) the fact that Samara type correct? I beg you... this right of justiciar afraid to stupor even her fellow cops. Samara is subject to an abstract Code. blindly, mechanically fulfilling the letter of the law - she does not hesitate to murder in cold blood. even acquaintance with it begins with the scene where Samara calmly finished off the half-dead, already helpless mercenary. it says a lot about the character of justiciar, no? as well as the fact that Samara is eager to kill his daughter. note - do not send in a special prison or in a psychiatric hospital... no, only to kill! manic...

Well, Morinth. Yes, a monster. what is important - not on their own. born this way. Yes, her intimate partners are killed. but is Morinth someone FORCES? seducing - Yes. but not urges physically. in the end, Shepard have quite enough will to keep a relationship with her under control. Yes, the same Aria in Morinth sees no problem. in addition, Morinth not alien to the concept of honor. in any case, its contract with Shepard faithfully fulfilled until the end, although he could easily escape. and track it was very interesting, huh? )

noggenfogger 07.06.20

The difference is that Morinth victims are often innocent people. And in Samara they are usually guilty.

>I know it starts with a scene where Samara calmly finished off the half-dead, already helpless mercenary.

She just had to call the ship to save his life. The mercenary made a conscious choice.

>as well as the fact that Samara is eager to kill his daughter. note - not to be arrested, sent to jail strictly content or even in the nuthouse... no, only to kill!

As required by the code, isn't it? Usually what people choose when the choice is between duty and life of loved ones? Usually the second. This sense of duty is rare. And besides, aren't Morinth deserves at least his last crime?

pashalet 07.06.20

noggenfogger[Overmind] - well, I strongly do not agree)

Samara, [the victim] as a rule, guilty - how do we know this? take the same mercenary who hides info about Morrin. what is its wine to Samara? it carried out transport service (sent Morinth on omega) and will not disclose information about the client. For this Samara punishes her... death. Awesome, isn't it?

further, detective Anaya. honest, conscientious officer. at Anaya ordered to detain Samara. Samara declares that graciously tolerate 1 day, then use violence. Anaya in fear, she had no doubt that Samara will kill her. that is, Samara quietly ready to kill the innocent servant of the law, which she see interfere.

finally Morinth. not Samara it rise like this? not it was brought up, could not see, to curb her dark instincts? and when he lost control simply decided to kill. not treated, not to be isolated from society... no, just kill. that's so simple. smash biotic impact head girl - and there is no problem. (by the way, knowing that her children are born with genetic defects - Samara after the first birth does not stop and creates 2 more ardat-YAKSHI, ay good job!)

is Morinth does not deserve death for his latest crime? - the death of the artist? wait a minute! the young representative of Bohemia dragged on dubious Nightclubs, do drugs, have entered into same-sex intimate relationships - and the blame, of course, only Morinth? cute)) to seduce a crime? no. the relationship was voluntary? Yes. legally, wine Morinth only that she warned the girl that the coitus with her deadly with 99% probability.
//by the way, in his diary victim he writes that ready to do anything FOR his beloved.
//this is my speculation, but I believe if Morinth it would suddenly quit - the artist would've killed myself, too unstable and foolish was the young lady, judging by her outercom the diary.

noggenfogger 07.06.20

A lawyer chtoli learn? You not bad it turns out to turn everything on its head. I say without mockery, you really do need to work as a lawyer. And mercenary you innocent sheep, and the artist herself to blame.

Mercenaries - mostly murderers. And the mercenaries of the Eclipse even the ritual of membership is through murder. Exceptions can not be, because it is a criminal group and not the transport company, to word not to disclose client names.

A"young Bohemian nature lived a humble life, recently became famous and decided out of curiosity to visit the club for V. I. P. There I met Morinth, followed by drugs, alcohol and relationship with individuals similar to the woman, but the essence of being asexual. Look for pitfalls like, she said, and actually was a playboy and when Morinth, not worth it. All the same, and the diary was personal, what makes you believe the words of the girls, and the mother confirms the same.
Maniacs wish the death even in countries where there is a moratorium on the death penalty, and Morinth no different from the killers, the rapists, which prescribe the most severe sentences.

On account of the fact the point where Samara consciously gives birth to two more ardat-YAKSHI. According to her, the disease is not right. The dialogue clearly sounded the phrase that she at one point found out that all three of her daughters ardat-YAKSHI.

brazilium 07.06.20

pashalet a lawyer does not study times is talking about Samara. Especially the dialogues he understands one way. Then a person puts their wishlist above all. He doesn't know that Morinth on the run for 400 years and killed during this time a huge number of victims? He doesn't know that Morinth literally hypnotized his victims and they lost control over themselves? And so you can continue on, but does he understand?

pashalet 07.06.20

noggenfogger[Overmind] - Oh, like you)

mostly mercenaries murderers... it is a criminal group - it's our notions of Eclipse criminal group. but in the universe IU such groups - in the most legitimate position. Omega for example, Eclipse, the light, the Bloody Pack even replace the police. anyway, Samara is not investigating past actions of this mercenary, and kills her for a very specific thing - the reluctance to answer the question. justiciar, as a representative of the law should arrest the suspect and interrogate. there is more, that she was defeated and helpless. instead, Samara killed her in cold blood.

she lived a modest life... and decided out of curiosity to visit the club... and then the drugs, alcohol and respect with individuals of like a woman... I don't pass the blame, just shared responsibility)) every man is the architect of his own destiny. if I interest going to a hot club full of scum, out of interest are ingesting, drugs and relationships with a creature even in the manner of conversation is the predator I should be aware that he provoked the situation, hmm?
//there in the club by the way, is a good example. young jurnalistika climbed into the pit, to thump with the bandits, based on sensational reporting. and if not for the shepherd, the fool would be there soaked. because it is necessary to think a head what, where and with whom you do.

Morinth is no different from the maniacs rapists - your true. Morinth no one is raped, one. and do not kill anyone, two. her partners killed themselves - not through the merger of consciousness with the traditional act Azari. again - really blame Morinth only in that it does not warn their partners about the inevitability of an accident during intimacy. the rest... the genetic curse she didn't ask. at gunpoint in bed no one drives. hypersexuality and natural magnetism is not prohibited by law))

noggenfogger 07.06.20

Morinth no one is raped, one. and do not kill anyone, two. her partners killed themselves - not through the merger of consciousness with the traditional act Azari. again - really blame Morinth only in that it does not warn their partners about the inevitability of an accident during intimacy. the rest... the genetic curse she didn't ask. at gunpoint in bed no one drives. hypersexuality and natural magnetism is not prohibited by law))

It forces. Her ultimate ability Domination allows you to subdue opponents in battle, it costs nothing to subdue their prey when they are alone. Even the fact that the victim begins to go crazy on Morent and wouldn't mind going to merge with her probably means that she already is under the control of Morinth.

brazilium 07.06.20

Complete the loyalty mission Samara and carefully read the dialogues. Morinth kills deliberately, it is her drug, she can't live without it, if it is not stopped, it will continue to kill (talk to Samara carefully).

noggenfogger 07.06.20

He does not believe what he says Samara. What is there to do something.