ID of the robot (Fallout 4)
In General, we need your help! Flew save, began anew to replay the game, and when passing DLC Automatron not found all of the robot.. in the same room too, not all developers(If there where ID modifications? I would be grateful for a reference to them
[aVm]Mors wrote:
If there where ID modifications?
There! In the file DLCRobot.esm. Look through FO4Edit.
Damn even I have not the same id in [03] DLCRobot.esm \ Modification, with the game... enter this id I noticed that they are not true... Later sakibu the parts in the box, enter the command INV AND I wrote this id and it works, and it's different from what shows FO4Edit...
But imagine, will fly off you have the saves, you too lazy to re-take the whole line of quests automatron, so you took zalepil all modifications to the. bat file, entered 1 console command and all) Can build a companion robot as your heart desires
Well, that's another way to go without the bat file....hammered code for level ...for example you have to drive 15 to 20 walk in special, and there breaks through robotics
It is necessary to look in the thread Misc. Item. Just added legs soultrane code xx001a31.
coc qasmoke
there are all the modifications on robots
to get coc redrocket01
and how do you know that not all, if you never collected?
paradox smacks
and Yes, try as said above, using fo4edit
however zadolbalsya with this, but I see no other way
or using the IC to create the trunk, and into it cram
for the sake of interest downloaded SK, and saw that mods for bots not so much. more precisely, what is in qasmoke in the amount of not less than SK