Spear-arrow-club. Something I don't understand. (Far Cry: Primal)
Just started the game.Is the very first bow. Damage -- 3.
The first stick. Damage-also 3, but the pounding quickly, and on many targets at once.
And here-made the first spear. And what do I see? Damage -- 1.
This is what happens? Spear -- three times weaker than arrows???
What's the point?
Hahaha Alexey
What about the damage don't know, but the spear is more powerful arrows. If For example the average animal like a deer or brow without armor with an arrow in the torso doesn't kill him, spear 1 times. In the head don't always get it.A mammoth fell only burning spears.
You are all very smart and I appreciate it.
However, how can it be that lance was three times weaker than arrows, and remains a mystery.
And in the Intro of the game the characters are somehow thrown into the mammoth spears, not bows shoot.
2 Sidorovich12: when I wrote my comments, your post yet was not so to your account do not take, pliz.
But then it turns out that those characteristics of the weapons specified in the game (namely, damage) -- lie?
Hahaha Alexey
in the Intro, have focused on the atmospheric pressure, because the expedition of a mammoth with a spear looks more promising than the firing of arrows that even the skin does not break
Hahaha Alexey
Apparently indicates the damage of spear (throw) so it really poorly, and when throwing a spear is more powerful arrows, even more powerful than the damage of the bow with two arrows...
I guess that the answer is that the damage to the table-it's the damage from the normal attack. And damage from strong blow (if you hold the mouse button pressed) -- he's more. But how much-is unknown. It is possible that for each type of weapon this enhancement is different. In the same way as throwing weapons.
Since yesterday trying to find in the net normal table weapon damage Far Cry Primal, but nothing found(((
spear is better to throw or with a single purpose to fight, more good will, with a cudgel against the crowd at close range and bow for long-range shooting and a quiet attack, as arrows more
Hahaha Alexey
I think as such the table there, except that in the code :)
The specified damage is probably the base damage of the weapon, ie: a normal strike with a baton, shot with a regular arrow and a spear... the Other specified parameters are not met :)
+ the fact that each weapon has its own characteristics of damage that's for sure ( so for example, when the javelin, the enemy flies or even nails as a nail to objects and arrows is no such)
Hahaha Alexey wrote:
Since yesterday trying to find in the net normal table weapon damage Far Cry Primal, but nothing found(((
In the next topic also not found? ;)
Far Cry Primal - Crafting and weapons - a Fully illustrated guide.
You can't compare damage numbers of the different types of weapons - it is possible to compare only the numbers of the damage of the same weapon of varying degrees of pumping.
Where there is full???
There -- that's what is written in the game -- ONLY the damage from normal (weak) shock.
Ie there-that the figures which I started this thread (spear three times weaker arrows).
What damage from a strong impact, and by throwing this weapon, this table is NOT specified.
And I can't get a table, in which it was specified.
EVERYWHERE -- here it is: 3 bow damage, spear damage 1. (((
The real damage of weapons is not only a function of the type of weapons and the degree of pumping, but also the type of enemy and what part of his body corrupted, and the difficulty settings...
And as someone already said, this information is only contained in the distribution files of the game, and there is hell break a leg - no serious moddersky decrypt a 16-hexadecimal code what the hell take it out, it's not a Stalker...
Therefore, the real damage is recognized only on the experience of the shoot, throw and hit various sticks and rocks in different body parts of different enemies and animals - how do you recognize that. ;)
Sidorovich12 wrote:
A mammoth fell only burning spears.
Optional. Learned skill"the master of animals (last in 2nd row of skills Jeimy) ONE spear 5 level in the head brings down a young mammoth. Sabertooth, by the way, too. But the cave bear and rhinoceros need two spears in the head. Old mammoth requires 2 spears 5 level in the head and one in the torso. This is on extreme difficulty, if that.
Hirok wrote:
Moderator call to erase a subject
What theme did not suit?! Here(in PG) there are topics and pohlesche.