Cheats The Crew is there , but they paid and I personally spoke with the man who he uses them .
There's a lot of cheaters, this is pissing yubiki! There are 2 types of cheaters that use cheats and are paid himichat with communication! From the first play to be practically impossible, since 2-we are more tolerant and they are often poor quality game. BUT, I have deleted and reinstalled the game you the same advice.
There is only 1 type of cheaters - those who use third-party software. Tinkering with communication can be anyone: I put windowed mode and click outside the game window.
And the few good ride if you don't know about manual control settings.
People write about the cheats, but never gave an example of Chita, which helps to win the race... I'm yelling with you guys.. Before was cheats for nitrous, but now I can't meet. Was the mod that kind of stability, but he caught the fact that his car is almost perfect cornering, but now I do not watch this. So do not shout that there are cheats. And if there is, write what.