Control, and other (WWE 2K17)
People explain pliz as an enemy when he stands on his feet to grab and carry to where you want, and for example how to put your opponent on the table or to break the enemy table of commentators, and the question is how to remove the splash RAW & Smack down, and then hesitated to watch them)EEH, I even do not have enough space to install it. 30GB + 50 required disk space, lol. And control, there are hike like in the previous parts. See the forum for 2k16
on the joystick: make the capture, press the two buttons LT and RT and are on the ropes. I found it, and how to make a grip for a start?)
Ilya Sazonov
I'm on the keyboard perverted, and the game manual have to be formal, with buttons and all garbage
Are you paranoid or what?! only 2 times wrote it: here and here
Ilya Sazonov wrote:
People explain pliz as an enemy when he stands on his feet to grab and carry to where you want..
in bed?... playful