Anyway, I got (Diablo 2)
Asking questions on the forum usually helps to get the answer, I will.Server-two admin, one refers to the second, and the second says that he had no information.
For several days are unable to know the cause of the ban. Somebody please tell it to me.
plusuu. admini voobshe neochen. ya sozdau temu s voprosom igre po a ee berut i udalyaut bez otveta bez bez preduprezhdeniya all. vopros bil chisto po igre i nikakih ne soderzhal provokaciy i mata i podobnogo visera
Call iconia to a trial by combat. If you lose, you give us the reasons for XA
all together, stamp their feet! >:(
hahaha norm subject, the trial by combat like in game of thrones :D Dober you need a Gladiator to get in and out of courts, the fight for the runes :D
there is allegedly kakoynit sadroc in the Enigma and he still has the chest cahow, for arguing with cemnet, threw down the gauntlet, then your Gladiator ie called you and you're like, come on, ZaPcHeL the offender and brought it to his ear (like in the movies where over$ 100,000 in the bags bring head) and received with Masonic shoulder Jah HD
DBRN wrote:
Those who are reading the topic title thought it was such as I leave: do not wait ;D
Wait, wait :D
ZaPcHeL the offender and brought it to his ear
Do not pass by this moment: the emergence of a new kind catalogo. The same body of the first Troll/threaten(game threats)/PC, and then merges their same soup for ked like I did:)
Just need to wait. This is what was told you (what would later write).
Aler told me last night that I texted you and a couple of days before you said that aler did not give you the old bans still. You are there it is examined, chtoli, that would be legends of sovpadali.
Alero to answer my question it would be necessary to spend those three seconds that he spent on the answer to write to you. Instead, I just have to wait how many is unclear and it is unclear what/who. Smacks of insanity, don't you think?
izvestno potomu, chto skazal tebe xixa? net ofc, ya znayu chto lysander mb i drug xixi, no nikakogo otnoshenia k nemu ya, yvi, ne imeyu, chto voobshe za gluposti? kakie to baleruni, vse horosho s toboi? ili mb galyucinaciiy tebya?
marazm - eto sprashivat` na forume teme v svoyu pri4inu 100500 banov, pri4ina v tvoem neadekvatnom povedenii, i mahinaciyax.