Overheating of the PC. What is overheating?Please help.
In General, the computer shuts down with a little work under load.Then trying to turn on and off again several times and then turn on(obviously when it's something cool).Iron.
actually overheating vidyuhi often and rebooting is happening,mostly blue screen, etc. but rebooting too often happens in such cases.
Judging by the tests on overclockers and their findings is a normal temperature for her. Plus I did test for it separately.. It is heated to 93 and it's fine. And then on 86 the system was down.
I have 500бп 7th year drags without problems and almost always around the clock basically,PAH-PAH-PAH of course,and just once in a while and need to clean and to buy not GOV... firm.Many under 10 years of stalling change only the major components that though the new medium was.
And he's in maximum mode which may burn
All depends on the BIOS. You have the power supply in the car is?
What's the difference. The BIOS will not allow it to accelerate if there is not enough supply. So the automatic reset voltage range on the bus, and it accordingly changes the value from PSI-Express 16 to PSI-Ekspress 1.
500W but the amperage can be more than me. In principle, I have problems until recently was not. And as though on average it's just about me) this is only with BP missed. Although 2010 is not very bad the choice was.
By the way vidyuhi begins to gain momentum only under 90грудусов.And before that, very quiet running.
By the way vidyuhi begins to gain momentum only under 90грудусов.
Some sort of garbage.
I have 260i worked at 45gr in a simple and turboboost stuck at 70g. 90 is already too much for your graphics card.
You're BIOS are not naughty by chance? well, overlookinga what else?
https://forums.overclockers.ru/viewtopic.php?t=294392 here the temperature is 86 the norm.
I don't know my percents i3 2100,gts 450,4 gb video card Opera,500 BP and all this junk 7th year pull.Yes hardcore only cover one 4 years later as downloaded it is constantly a lot of action and mother in the blue burned adding the RAM.The same troubles happened a couple of times,had to disassemble to clean after it is not rare to touch,change jumper wire connections,RAM,rough for about 5 hours to turn on,just didn't want any,didn't see the hdd or the image does not give the plasma.
I have after 60 includes,but is most likely some depends.But these prog for manual control,increase the speed of the cooler is better not to use it when do not roll or a fool a computer set up at purchase.Now at idle 36гр issues,the game browser only launched the film on pause,when all was cleaning the 30-32 considering the fact that my gts450 assovskii 7 year went with it before I played it at 90 degrees without paying attention until you specifically notice did not drop fps,but to blame the virus which now not infrequently +10-20g extra catching up.