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Guardian. 11.06.20 10:12 pm

Favorite character (Heavy Rain)

Who are you most sympathetic?
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-Kosmos- 11.06.20

1 FBI agent Norman Jaydan is the only interesting . 2 Shelby but after unraveling his little MYSTERIES , became unloved. 3 Ethan is a regular father heartbroken and tearful the next Persian Nitsche interesting. 4 Baba Baba, an ordinary woman and a journalist who is going to sleep even with Ethan for a couple of lines.

JavierAcht 11.06.20


Bu4eR 11.06.20

Norman Jayden

Rinzler.on 11.06.20

Norman Jaden he is the most psychologically vulnerable character

as1000 11.06.20

I liked the Cattle Shelby, the charismatic, and that's damn it!! Suddenly! he was a murderer( didn't expect such a setup

Ctrl. Alt. Delete. 11.06.20

Ethan Mars, I fell into a stupor when he was half of the little finger cut off.

Skri 11.06.20

Norman Jayden
I remember the past .It is strange that sometimes empathize with him more than Ethan
Ethan .So many emotions... especially when the finger

Veselyy Kot 11.06.20

It is difficult to allocate someone one, I enjoyed it equally, everyone has their own story and their pain in the ass.

Aleksandr Ko 11.06.20

Norman Jadan.and so do all except Blake and Scott Shelby

Fantasy Cat 11.06.20

The characters are great, but...probably Norman Jayden:) Love Brucem I have since the days of the x-files;)

Belaya Lisa [Odrakonennay 11.06.20

All the characters worked perfectly. And I'm all inspired in one way or another. But especially liked the journalist Madison. It is a pity that in the last minute of the game I have killed.

Anderby 11.06.20

Norman. It was too steep glasses.

Elzar2001 11.06.20

I liked to play for Norman, Ethan and Madison and Shelby are not very interesting

Jacques Brel 11.06.20

Maddison Paige - nyasha

Lucky_fellow 11.06.20

All the characters are revealed and worked out perfectly, but I liked Madison and how she reminded me of Carla from Fahrenheit, which is also my favorite character of the game.

Gauguin 11.06.20

Scott Shelby. Incorruptible private detective in the style of Noir
I liked all of his episodes. When it became clear that he was a master of origami, I was dumbfounded. But I liked it.
In second place Jaden - good and just the FBI.

kostya2151 11.06.20

For me, Scott Shelby,when in the end learned the truth,I just cried.Could not hold back emotions.This was my most favorite character and kind from the beginning of the game,especially after the episode in the house with Susan,where he himself nobly received.That's why he's...just no words....

TS77711 11.06.20

don't know how to describe Shelby but to him I'm not otnosilsya seriously (perhaps because detective unmask the author does not remember)
Ethan seemed too nagging though circumstances allow it to be so
the journalist did not like the fact that I generally hate the media in General, as for me as she has done a lot to investigate
the FBI guy was my main suspect( was I right or wrong I'm not saying) is very pleased with his glasses, he immediately wants the same))) but again, this character who tries to act without using force is not always a good solution for a tough FBI
for me, favourite character in THIS game is the one which is the least annoying and probably the last I described although in the embodiment of my passage, he probably has done the least

ProstoqYParen 11.06.20

Norman and Shelby.

NikolayPerevoznikov 11.06.20

Scoot Shelby