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Super Reptile 14.06.20 09:37 pm

Competitions trial (mmmmm... lovesick) (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Attention!! Today the competition who will faster, he will receive 200 rubles.
The contest will be held on server 1 or 2 Downer at 19:00 (GMT)

Today in the competition - Temple of Trials V4 map (medium difficulty)

Download the map:

*The contest will be held without a rope

The map has 6 rooms (objects). The fastest who will come first to the objects, he will receive the prize.
For example – you come first to 4 objects, but the other came in second, you win. If the result is draw, you came to 3 objects first and your opponent also came to 3 first, then the winner will be determined by the deaths. The one who's died, he takes the briefcase with a tidy sum.

If nobody comes to the server, or come only one person, the competition will be cancelled, and 200 rubles will be well spent on food.

Further competitions will be held thus:

Prizes for the winners:
Easy trial (the passage of light maps to speed) - 100 rubles
The average trial (the passage of cards on medium speed) - 200 rubles
Difficult trial (the passage of difficult maps on speed) - 300 RUB
Light shield Jumping (passing light maps to speed) - 100 rubles
Chapel shild Gaping (passing cards on medium speed) - 200 rubles
Complex shild Gaping (passing difficult maps on speed) - 300 RUB
Multicoding (passing cards multimodem on speed) - 200 rubles
Super Trial (the passage of super trial cards on speed) - 400 RUB

The money is transferred to the mobile phone or kiwi purse.

Downer 1 - ut2004://
Downer 2 - ut2004://
Downer Test - ut2004://

Not only play, but also earn!

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HKS-Megapihar 14.06.20

Really hike

Super Reptile 14.06.20

X111 wrote:
In the first version pots was 30%.
Decided to overturn taburetka?

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Okay, fine, lay out the third part.

Book summary: (part three)
Eva used to this lifestyle and drove a black business together with Mr. Cold. But one day on the phone eve received a call, as it turned out, was a detective with Bugatti. On this day Mr. cold wasn't home, and she could talk to the detective calmly, not afraid to be heard.
Bugatti detective told her that she got with the wrong man and that her brother cares for her and wants her to come home. Eva pretended that understands nothing, but detective Bugatti continued to tell about those black cases dealt with by Mr. cold. The police had suspected Mr. cold, but they couldn't find a lead to conduct a search at his residence. The detective warned eve if she doesn't turn him in, when the police will reveal all things ruled by Mr. cold, it is also chance for life.

Eve was frightened, but she didn't want to return to the life that she had before meeting with Mr. Cold. She didn't want to go back to his brother psychopath, who constantly puts his hands. She liked this life, though it was unusual.
Presenting, as he sits in prison, she immediately came to mind the image of Harley Quinn from the film “Suicide Squad” presenting yourself in the place of Harley, like drinking a Cup of coffee and reading a book.
Immediately deleting all messages and phone calls, she called the phone company, her number was blocked, allegedly she lost her phone.

Eve calmed down and decided to take that whole from itself. She called the pizzeria and ordered a great pizza which she was delivered in exactly 20 minutes. The boy who delivered the pizza she liked, and she even had a little flirt with him. Include his favorite movie is “Iron Man”, with his favorite actor Downey Jr., Eva relaxed and thought how great it would be to get to know this handsome.

At this time, Eva's brother of Carnage got in touch with his former childhood friend, who now worked as a hired killer. His secret name was Ninja. He asked for a Ninja to sniff out all about Mr. cold and any means to pull out eve.
Through its sources, the Ninja learns that Mr. cold is a millionaire and owner of a large company “DOROTTA,” but also has its network of hotels and restaurants. Also he has his own private club Hellena. He decided that eve hiding in the club Hellena and goes there to find out.

Entering into the building, the Ninja begins his investigation, but no suspects in the security booth alarm went off and the guards were already aware of his presence. The ninja stealthily moved through the building, exploring each room in search of eve. In the next room, a Ninja is faced with three guards, two people he manages to kill it with stars, but the third guard manages a Taser to disarm the Ninja.

After Mr. cold finds out about a Ninja, he orders the guards to roast, and meat to feed the dogs.

Carnage three days trying to contact a Ninja, but could not. He realized that there was something awful...

The end of the third part.

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Well Kold, 20% and more! But if I don't like it, you send Carnage and Ninja in a long-term ban.


Hindzya 14.06.20

Coach Ivan wrote:
Don't you dare insult my work of art! I take you to court will file!!
as if Ivan had then filed a counter-suit for blatant plagiarism

Coach Ivan wrote:
I was five minutes millionaire, among other things. The company “Lionsgate” has become interested in my work and ready to make a film adaptation of the book. So goodbye, losers!! I'm going to California!
so painton even in the circle of the drawing will not call :s

X111 wrote:
In the first version pots was 30%.
Decided to overturn taburetka? Shame on you, he put you in this, from truly protected and banhammerom was nisterial, and you...
but he had just got stylish devices

Super Reptile 14.06.20

How's the third part? Did you like your role in the book?

Hindzya 14.06.20

Super Reptile wrote:
How's the third part? Did you like your role in the book?
there still is my role OO
no, now precisely I will not reveal :D

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Ninja wrote:
there still is my role
Once you enter the building, the Ninja begins his investigation, but no suspects in the security booth alarm went off and the guards were already aware of his presence. The ninja stealthily moved through the building, exploring each room in search of eve. In the next room, a Ninja is faced with three guards, two people he manages to kill it with stars, but the third guard manages a Taser to disarm the Ninja.

After Mr. cold finds out about a Ninja, he orders the guards to roast, and meat to feed the dogs.

don't thank

Hindzya 14.06.20

I will say that I got the best role - a quick death in your Homo masterpiece

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Ninja wrote:
Homo masterpiece
What is Homo masterpiece? You obviously have not read my book. Re-read again, especially the second part, my beloved.

Ninja wrote:
I will say that I got the best role - a quick death
Lol, so you in the next part again resurrect at the genetic level, as in the movie the Fifth Element" and fed the dog. And so in each part. So don't think that lightly.

Cold Mind 14.06.20

Super Reptile wrote:
After Mr. cold finds out about a Ninja, he orders the guards to roast, and meat to feed the dogs.
Don't be ridiculous, where there meat? Skin and bones :p

Hindzya 14.06.20

Super Reptile wrote:
What is Homo masterpiece? You obviously have not read my book. Re-read again, especially the second part, my beloved.
me and that's enough, let the cold reading :))

Super Reptile wrote:
Lol, so you in the next part again resurrect at the genetic level, as in the movie the Fifth Element" and fed the dog. And so in each part. So don't think that lightly.
that is, I'm still on bis will be released, woohoo!

OMG 14.06.20

Super Reptile wrote:
Don't you dare insult my work of art! I take you to court will file!!

Cold Mind wrote:
Here better check it out, as I devices from different companies picked up clearly in one style:

Super Reptile 14.06.20

Championship Assault – Eva Fors, Coffee vs F51, Small, Naut
Commentator – Megapixel
Special guest – Robert Downey Jr.

Book summary: (part four)
In the evening, on Thursday, Mr. cold and Eva were hugging and kissing.

Eve: You're insatiable, cold.
Cold: Yes, I'm always a little, smiled and said cold.
Eve: Wait, I have something to look at.
Cold: What?
Eve: Now, wait a minute.

Eve went into the other room. Before she departed, Mr. cold has picked up my iPad, went to YouTube and checked out a new video of Yuri Khovanskii – I'm Sorry, Myron. Eva's back and she began to wonder what looks cold.

Eve: Give me what you got there?
Cold: This is a new track by Yuri Khovansky.
Eve: Pfff, I don't like Khovanskii.
Cold: Well, you saw, saw him at the end of read!?
Eve: Cold.
Cold: Yes, sweetie.
Eve: Tomorrow is the championship Assault and I want to participate in it.
Cold: aren't You tired of playing these childish games? It's time to play adult games.
Eva: When I was little, my brother used to lock me in the room of the games I only had two dolls, one small book and a desktop computer from “Godlike Machines”: case - Corsair 900D, motherboard - ASUS ROG MAXIMUS VIII FORMULA, percents - Intel i7 6700k, vidyuhi ASUS ROG Poseidon Platinum GTX 980 Ti memory - Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB (4x8 GB) DDR4 2400, cooling - Custom NAS, hard - 2 WD Red 3TB, sound - ASUS STRIX PRO RAID, M2 PCIe SSD - Kingston Hyper X Predator 480 GB power supply - Corsair RM1000i.
Cold: Lol, serious?
Eve: Yeah, seriously!
Cold: This is for you brother gave?
Eve: No, when I had a regular computer, I was talking online with a man who I really liked, and he decided to give me a new computer, its like calling a Super Creeper.
Cold: Lol, so I have the under plays under the nickname Super Reptile, likes with youngsters chatting poperepisyvatsya.
Eva: Lol
Cold: Well, when you have a championship? You know that on Saturday we have a special day?
Eve: Yeah, I know. Tomorrow at 10:00 the first roller. Tomorrow we have Friday.
Kold: Good.

It's the next day. It was a clear, Sunny morning. Eva wakes up alone in bed, rays of sun made their way into the room. Eva washed, brushed my teeth, made myself a small Breakfast, snack and began to prepare for the championship.
Switch on the TV, she switched on the gaming channel GameLand TV where the broadcast Megapixel.

Megapixel: hi guys! You know what today is?! No, you don't know what day it is!! And today a GRAND championship Assault! Exactly twenty minutes we start! Don't miss out!

Eva went on Skype and contacted his team.

Eve, Force, Coffee, you here?
Coffee: Yes, Hello Eva, where are you gone? We began to worry about you. Are you all right?
Eva: Yes. Let's focus on the game.
Coffee: Good.
Eve: Play in my scenario. Remembered, who, where?
Force: But Eve! Today we've got a special rivals “F51, Small and Naut” if you play in your scenario, we lose. Here tricoat need at a minimum, the main focus on shooting. Here you need to play according to the scenario of Coffee.
Eva: No, we play by my script.
Force: But Eve! You do not say – F51, Small and Naut?
Eve: Play in my scenario.
Coffee: Eva, Force right.
Eva: Guys, when you realize that my scenario worked through, jumped there, jumped here.
Force: m-m-m-mmmyyy-n-C-E-E-E-o-O-O-O-TH-of NIIKI-And-AI!!!
Coffee: WELL, you KNOW, \(o_o)\
Eve: Stop whining! Play!

10:00 FallenCity, Loading...

Eva: Coffee, Force, cover me!

Eva rushed into the fight, making then Dodge, jump there, she saw F51 and decided to run From the corner popping up Naut. Eva, no flinching, pulls out his Light Rifle and gets an accurate shot in the head Nauta.
HeadShot!, saw the line F51 and Small. They looked at each other and began to attack eve.

“Coffee, Fors, where are you?!” – shouted eve. Two players out on the field of battle with two miniganom, and start shooting other players. Eve did there Dodge, then jump, and was on the object. The first blockade was passed.

F51, Naut and Small have not had time to recover, like eve with the help of Trix were the object number 2. The second blockade was passed.
F51, Naut and Small puzzled glances at each other and furiously began to defend the blockade of number 3.

Naut: It's up! Rails! Get her out of there, guys!
Small: I don't see her! She even there?!
Naut: Yeah, I just saw her!

Small walked slowly on the pavement, looking up eve. Yes! She's in there! - shouted Small and fiercely began to attack.

F51 defended the gate, no one was around. Then he saw a flying field and asked a question: Is that a sphere? Where is she? After all, there's no one here?, he has been combo and F51 with the words fuck! was thrown to the side.

Eve saw F51 was killed and making cool Trix, jumped straight to the blockade 3. This time she managed to make the Air HeadShot the player Small.

The commentator's booth exploded!
Megapixel: Oh, my God! – exclaimed the commentator. She is gorgeous!! Eva, can you hear their fans in the audience? I hear they're rumbleseat? Megapixel held the microphone to the room, which was broadcasting the match. The people rejoiced, applauded the wonderful game of eve.
Eva heard the applause in his side and smiled. Her life began to improve. First, Mr. cold, now is a good championship, all went well.

Taking the blockade issue 3, nothing prevented to take the last object.

Megapixel: Guys, today we have a special guest for our favorite eve! Eva, this is for you!
Special guest: eve, don't worry, everything will be fine.
Eve: Tooooooo? Can't be! Cold, did you do it cold?! I love you, cold!

In the broadcast booth appeared Robert Downey Jr. invited a special guest for the eve.

Robert Downey: Eva, focus on the game!
Eva: Yes captain!
Megapixel: Robert, I am your strong fan, no less than our beloved eve. I'm glad to see you in his commentary!
Robert Downey: Thank You.
Megapixel: filming now?
Robert Downey: Iron man 17
Megapixel: Not tired?
Robert Downey: And don't ask. Eva! The enemy on the right!
Megapixel: I can take you to the film?
Robert Downey: No.
Megapixel: Why?
Robert Downey: You ask too many questions.

In the chat message appears:
Detektiv Bugatti: Eva, on ochen' opasniy chelovek! Spasaisya!

“Oh my God!” thought eve, he got in here. Guys, zabante inadequate.
Megapixel: Well eve, let's do it!

Team eve won the match. Other teams failed to beat the team of eve, and the winner was eve, Coffee and Force.

Fors: Eva, we are so sorry that we doubted you.
Eve: see Fors, you always must trust me.
Coffee: Yes, Eva, you were just great!
Eve: Thank You :)
Eve: Okay, guys, I gotta go, BB
Force: BB
Coffee: BB
Eva left the game.

He returned home cold. Eva pounced on him, rejoicing in his victory and the gift he made for her.
I know, Eva, that you like it said Kold.

And then they had hot sex.

The end of the fourth part.

X111 14.06.20

Is anybody reading?

Super Reptile 14.06.20


Super Reptile 14.06.20

In order to attract more people, I had to invite a special guest – Robert Downey Jr.

CHONG 14.06.20

the fourth part, below the bottom level.

Hindzya 14.06.20

Super Reptile 14.06.20

The writer can't be perfect in everything, I'm improving. Someday the time will come and you will love my work. I enjoyed the writing, and now can't stop me! I will become the Greatest Writer in the world! I will go down in history as William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin!

I don't know what you're not happy then? I've invited a special guest – Robert Downey Jr. But I'm not all Hollywood actors gather in one part. Today, Robert Downey Jr., on the order of Henry Cavill. The following parts will be Scarlett Johansson. So have patience.

And to intrigue, in the sixth part is a lesbian scene between Eva and Scarlett Johansson.