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Kovu 18.10.19 01:24 pm

Your favorite country (Europa Universalis 3)

Which country do you like and why?
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KaraTimy 18.10.19


oxana2 18.10.19

Muscovy (later Russia) and Byzantium. Not just for gaming advantages, but through life: the first of them is my homeland, and second I have a special interest and a special sympathy.
A competitive advantage they have, however, also have. Muscovy from the very beginning there is quite a strong state without any dangerous enemies - can afford a long time to develop peacefully and to build up their strength, preparing for future wars. The Yaroslavl, Ryazan and other small principalities join fairly easily, at least militarily, at least through vassalization. Novgorod great, no problem, the Golden Horde - also not such a strong adversary, if you prepare for war. In the East - a vast empty space for colonization, and it does not even require the national idea Journey to the New world - enough to make a decision to go towards the Sun, and the pioneers appear by themselves. The greatest difficulty bring Poland and Lithuania, especially when they are in the Union, but it is not insurmountable. However, the main advantage of Russia is that she is surrounded by infidels - Muslim countries that attack without reason, without losing the stability and reputation, and Catholic, which after the adoption of a national idea, you can do the same. I played Moscow twice and both times easily and confidently took first place in the ranking, capturing a vast territory and achieving an overwhelming advantage over other countries.
For Byzantium to play, of course, is more difficult, there's peaceful development is not obtained, we must continue to fight, especially in the beginning, but it's not as difficult as it may seem. The main enemy of Turkey, which owns a large number of Byzantine national provinces with Greek culture and the Orthodox faith, which in itself creates instability; moreover, it constantly is at war with all, accumulating fatigue, which further enhance the risk of uprisings. In General, only a couple of little whacks (by itself, Byzantium is not capable of, but in Union with Wallachia and/or Serbia - easily), and falling apart the Turkey into pieces, and many of its provincial depart to Byzantium, even without the war, as a result of the uprisings. Anyway, I had that twice while playing for Byzantium and one for Russia. And then, using benefits of its provisions between countries with a different faith (i.e., the ability to attack for no reason), you can create a very strong state, only technologically backward, despite the fact that all the money in the beginning you have to spend on the war, to develop, it will be tough. But moral satisfaction from the fact that failed to save a dying country and make it a superpower, with nothing comparable!
I tried to play for France, but much pleasure is not received. The strongest state in Europe, but around the small German Principality, the conquest of which spoils the reputation (both because of the common faith, and because of the need to attach them completely). Is not Turkey and not the Golden Horde, from which it is possible with impunity to bite several provinces. In short, the eye sees, but the tooth is itching, and it is very annoying.
Another country for which I played is Serbia. It seems that all parameters are comparable with Byzantium (also the two provinces, the same enemies and potential allies, next - not a very strong Bosnia and Montenegro, through which you can expand), but it lasted me a little over 50 years. First came in vassalage to Bosnia, and then attempt to escape turned out that attacked simultaneously two of the Alliance headed by Turkey and Transylvania, and ripped. In short, from the game for Serbia was left with the feeling of complete hopelessness. She is too weak.

zemlemer 18.10.19

Always in Austria.
All going to try for Brandenburg.

ezeri 18.10.19

I always play for Lithuania. sometimes for Poland. If you take the age of 18, I always play for the USA. It's nice to grab a colony of Spain and England. There are almost no armies that quietly conquered the whole of America.

PanDa934 18.10.19

very often play for Portugal. she has a strong fleet + allied with England first. my first 50 years trying not to fight with Castile and retain the Union with England and Aragon. then when Castille attacks Aragon we are together with England, conquered a large part of this country and then after 10 years of Aragon comes on my land and I grabbed a large chunk of Aragon. then go to America

Nazar Rahmanov 18.10.19

Khiva - the culture of the Turkmen hivintsev and I Turkmens, Khiva if rise from the Timurids in the early game, it will be easy to reform.

Nazar Rahmanov 18.10.19

I play a Byzantium.

VladlenUstimenko 18.10.19

Burgundy, a country with great potential. Economy and human resources in large still have a good chance to become at once the Emperor of the HRE. Easy country.

RaFiK_25 18.10.19

and I play for Ukraine, but it is not possible to create, who are interested ask roskazhu like!!!

makoleko 18.10.19

Only Byzantium!

rust1513 18.10.19

A very exciting game for the Burgundy.
After subjecting the small Belgian-Dutch (Liege, Brabant, Holland, etc.) principalities decided to hike to Castille, which by that time was torn by Aragon, Portugal, Dad and Morocco. In 7 years conquered all of Castille (except for Madrid - went to Aragon), and for a peaceful conversation got 5 provinces in the North, and Galicia was released.
Accepted studies: bill of rights (a good thing, reduces the risk of rebellion and also gives a Casus Belli-a pretext for war) and the Journey to the New world. Later I because of the high BB (dishonor) declared war cloud German dwarf States.
Defeated them all and somehow hit 70 BB.
Colonized the Americas, cut out Cherokee, Shawnee and screams.
Later went to war with France completely defeated and subjugated Eastern France and had an outlet to the Mediterranean.
Colonized Africa and to war with Mali (unhooked 3 provinces)
After all this war with the Austrians and Hungarians. The result: a returned frontier province, given the then Emperor of the HRE (now the Emperor-Bohemia) and got 2 Hungarian bow (but won't without the help of the British and the Turks, with whom the Union with the Burgundian-French war),
Thus, 1485 built a powerful superpower with Imperial buildings and colonies in the North. America and Africa))0)

Wale Ra 18.10.19

I don't know why n\it is very like Switzerland.More than likely struck the city of Switzerland https://101mesto.com/geografiya-strany/goroda/samye-krasivye-goroda-shvejtsarii.html.Первым I visited Basel and he remained in my heart

Wale Ra 18.10.19

Don't know why but I really like Switzerland.More than likely struck the city of Switzerland https://101mesto.com/geografiya-strany/goroda/samye-krasivye-goroda-shvejtsarii.html.Первым I visited Basel and he remained in my heart

Located on the border with France and Germany, this town is often called the gateway of the country. The journey from the city centre to neighbouring States takes no more than 30 minutes. The inhabitants speak a special dialect of Swiss German, which is to understand a foreigner is very difficult. However, they communicate with visitors on a classic German. For its size it is the third city in the country. Here are the most important chemical and pharmaceutical factories as well as headquarters of international corporations. The city's port on the Rhine connects the state with a Dutch sea harbour, providing access to international waters. Working in Basel is the oldest University of the Republic and more than 40 other educational institutions, popular among students of many countries. Since time immemorial between the two parts of the city — Big and Small — there was serious competition. The reminder is preserved in the quaint sculptures on the bridges connecting the opposite shore. Tourists meet the Basel narrow streets with neat orderly rows of houses, interior details which create an aura of antiquity: forged bars on the Windows, fancy door handles and signage with the Gothic alphabet, fancy mailboxes and original devices for cleaning shoes.
Source: https://101mesto.com/geografiya-strany/goroda/samye-krasivye-goroda-shvejtsarii.html 101mesto.com © All about travel