Problems with the game. (Ghostbusters: The Video Game)
Write what I can so help!Vertrics I vidyuhi NVidia 9600 512 MB memory...
fire wood new swung from
Listen,I beg you,please describe in detail!After all, these Application Data a lot,I don't know what(((
C:Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data
it might be hidden, then: control panel --> folder options --> view --> and at the bottom show hidden files and folders !!!
N....Yes!It was a bad idea!Some of her climbs!And who-thread tried to lower the values in that folder???
lower then not all necessary
take away the shadows there , smoothing, details mirrors, books, etc.
Look,skinte screenshot with the default values of all rows(if not difficult)!I'm lost and the game started!
PIPL as on VISTA cut 85Hz for Monica ?? -and then 60 on my CRT as a sickle in the balls
The people,and with my Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz, 1GB RAM, GeForce 8500 Gt 512 Mb will go?
[new user]
Go wild brakes and most likely only Ofece, before the mission will crash or if you are lucky before Zephyr so how about it eating system resources much ogogo ))
In General the problem...the game ran fine, at maximum. But became stuck in the same place. On the level after the library opens the ability of the gun plevatsya green slime, down in the cave, it passes the roller and starts the download. All the time in this boot I don't know what to do. Help!
people help! can't install the game. run setup ,the installation window appears and................EVERYTHING more than one way can't do anything,just click cancel.And the next button is hidden
I was thinking: perhaps strange brakes that occur on the normal component, associated with the which version of the game can run (Full or Repack) and what crack is used.