The best option graphics
Good morning, everyone.Yesterday,the grandson,playing on the computer,did not pay attention to the warning system that the GPU overheated(the fan stopped cooling the GPU).Summary :There are artifacts.Certainly Blade GPU .Warm up?Not the fact that will work,and it is not a map.Went to 4 stores,offered anything,not asking anything about the Gland of the computer.This and alerted me.Decided to consult the experts.what is the optimal solution can be found(which graphics card is best suited).Iron the following :
Motherboard ASUS Z97 - C
Processor DUAL Core Intel Core i3 - 4170 3700 MHz 2 cores 4 threads
DDRIII 8 Gb 1600 without overclocking
Power supply (modular) GIGABYTE B800H
Which graphics card will be OK?The amount of money I will not specify,but if need be,find it.
Thanks in advance to everyone.
You know,I will not say exactly,but not the most modern,such as about tanks and War Robots on the STEAM platform.Can GTA.
ORION105 wrote:
Power supply (modular) GIGABYTE B800H
Ariosa you can from the future. What brings you to our sinful dimension? ))
In our time, Gigabyte PSU at 800W is still not released. You're not much time has passed, you must continue in the future. )
I stick
RX-460 OC 4Gb
GTX-750 TI
and I don't remember exactly,I think even the GTX-1050
If you are not afraid, you can take 1050 or even 1050Ti avito up to about 5-6 thousand rubles
Simply, there are people who are afraid and discouraged others to buy something with hands or Craigslist-like sites. Arguing that the sellers can do everything to cheat or simply disgust ourselves. But to buy all the same with hands or with avito need only after a full test purchase, and it is desirable to have an understanding of the characteristics, in particular for the graphics card's frequencies and temperature of the GPU and memory clock, fan speed and appearance (knocked down(not counting the not soldered) SMD elements), the graphics card is having problems all of these characteristics can work and work properly at first glance.
Lex-one wrote:
Useless table.
What is actually written.
What question is the answer...
Take the card to 4GB. Almost perfect. GTX 960-1050 (Ti with seasamum) from AMD - RX 560-570 (c reserve). Under of sense to take is not because will miss, over too - there Is a limitation in the platform. But if you can Change to a faster processor i7 Haswell (4th generation). Then the grandson, you not only say thank you, but videokaraoke can be put on the album. In this case you would be better still to put and extra 8 GB of RAM.
If you need assistance in this matter, please contact me, contact profile.
If GTX for your system top will 1060,1660 ti or 1070, the above has the i3 processor will not pull. If you have experience of working with iron to take a b/u now the prices are very sweet for 10 series, the main thing to check when buying furmark, games and other software.