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pavloalex 17.06.20 02:32 pm

At what level of difficulty you play? (Doom (2016))

Actually the question in the subject.
He played on ultra violence. As I see it, the whole game opens fully on this difficulty or higher.
Gameplay process like a meteor, the speed of the gameplay and violence is through the roof.
The real Doom returned.
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DayPsycho 17.06.20

on average, do not like to replay the same check-points...

Delphis 17.06.20

wolfenstein new order, personally I liked it more generally for all parameters. I very reluctantly dum pass

rus_Inversion 17.06.20

Ultra lightness. The game itself I felt Online, against bots is not particularly interesting.

Bullet_Magnit 17.06.20

In the progression of go. From simple.

Viktor Lazorev 17.06.20

Online and Singh are two completely different sides of the same game. Put in sing the maximum complexity, believe me it's worth it.

Sergey 82 17.06.20

Took place in the middle of diligently collecting secrets and completing challenges. In the main game died a little, but some of the rune of trials, in the end, required several attempts (playing with gamepad). Interestingly, the complexity of the rune of the test depends on the chosen difficulty level? (Timings, restrictions).

gliga142 17.06.20

nightmare - anything less will be boring , and want that to catch on fire .. Though there too the difficult moments - I would even say absurd , like killing the last BOS in fact with a couple of splash .. But still if you want to test your skill and get keep nightmare ..

pavloalex 17.06.20

I play generally reminded of Dark Souls (when Doom on ultrasonore).
For the first time bursting into the arena GG stand for Mila soul, but after realizing what battle tactics of minutes to smooth out the arena.
It understood battle tactics, not just rushing and shooting like crazy.

ofecer007 17.06.20

Passed the game 3 times on medium initially and then on the penultimate and lastly pereprohodil all on the penultimate level of difficulty getting all the achievements for a single game (the hardest is to collect all logs at all locations)