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blr_Oliver 18.10.19 01:36 pm

Assessment raznyh things (Diablo 2)

I tried to trade the rare to the classics and faced with the fact that agree is very, very difficult. If the unique type of the shard/goldskin/ward is more or less clear correlation, with the rare much worse. One for the amulet +2/10 allres/10fcr wants sodzh, the other obviously fit shield Grim Shield 240def/+1 pal/19 allres/+20block/30fbr ready to give nagelring. Well, that is the spread is pretty wide. To this if we add that the combination of the properties of things can not be crossed (the same amulets, for example, sometimes I do not understand how to compare), it becomes quite sad.

And so was born the idea to develop a system for evaluating yellow (any?) things, any adequate scale. Not necessarily even to make sure the cost shown, will fit and at the level of better/worse. And I came up with a prototype :) On the role of the absolute truth do not pretend, on the contrary, expect criticism (constructive!) and suggestions. Moreover, if in the end something is born good, that will do the calculator on this subject, because I can in HTML and js.

So, the initial version of the scale is very simple: each property gives a certain amount of points, then just summarize. The ratio of the following:
+1% resist -> +1
+1% all resist -> +5
1 str/dex/vit/energy -> +1
1 life/1 mana -> +0.5
+1 all skills -> +50
+2 all skills -> +120
10% faster cast rate -> +30 (adjusted from +20)
15% faster block rate -> +100
30% faster block rate -> +150
10% faster hit recovery -> +35
10% faster run/walk -> +30
10 defense -> +1
2% block (*40%) -> +25
half freeze duration -> +15
1% magic find -> +1
3% extra gold -> +1
poison length reduced by 50% -> +40
poison length reduced by 75% -> +75
*only for shields (twichtroe believe there are), can go in the negative

If something is not listed, it is either irrelevant (+stamina), or I forgot, or do not know how to evaluate (damage goes to mana - sounds good, but finally XS).
From the figures?
To calculate I took as a basis the Sorka LVL 80 in Hell.
She will have a life of 180/195 mana and 410 of available attributes (all given quests)

Sorka we want to give:
75 all res (+40 penalty) -> 115*4 = 460 resists in total;
9 frame cast rate (+67 fcr) with the base 13;
8 frame hit recovery (+60 fhr) with a base 15;
6 frame block rate (+27 fbr) with a base 9;
str/dex exactly with the requirements
everything else bigger as typed, in order of importance:
+skills, +block, +life/mana, +frw, defense, ...

Well, actually the scheme of assessment is take 1% of any resist for 1 point, for the rest of the to calculate the difference between the reference/desired and scaled to 460 units.

life/mana/attributes - how much HP with 0% resist to absorb the same amount of damage with max resists and base HP?
180 / (1 - 0,75) * (1 + 0,4) = 1008, ie you need to add 828 life, which corresponds to a 1.8 life ~ 1% of resist. Life round 1 ~ 0.5.

Obviously, 410 free attributes we will select the desired ratio of life/mana, ie long distance, all attributes are equal. As each attribute spent in vitality/energy gives 2 life/mana, believe
1 mana ~ 0.5
1 attribute ~ 1

+allres Evenly raised the resists increase the chances to collect a full set. How - well, XS, by about 10 percent, more respect for allres - so +point for every 4

+skills Every bonus to skills allows us to do more damage. Skill planner says that the value of 7% (fire ball) to 12% (the blizzard mob with 75% cold resist). Scalable for 460, get 32 - 55 points, take 50. Similarly, the +2 skills get about 120.

breakpoints, For example cast rate: the speed boost from 13 to 9 frames makes us 44% faster, i.e. 0.44*460 = 204.4 points, or about 30 points per every 10%. For block rate suffixes of Blocking and Deflecting of believe separately, as only two of them and they may appear only on the shield.

run/walk Run we Sorka obviously not 100% of the time, so instead of 46 points is only 30 (maybe even less)

block chance Increase of the block with 40% (bone shield) to 64% (tower shield of deflecting) allows you to get an average of 0.6 instead of physical damage only 0.36, ie improves for 66.7%, or about 300 points, which is 24% of the difference in the block correspond to 2% block ~ 25

Alas defense, with defense at sorci all bad, it is evil zmeyuki from the temple will still whip tails. Dancing with 500 Def from Frozen Armor (+30% at level 1) possible up to +500.

AR at zmeyuki 4600, for simplicity, assume equal levels. Get
(500 + 500)*1.3 + 4600 against 500 * 1.3 + 4600 or 5900 / 5250 = 1.12 = 112 %. 500 protection corresponds to 55 points, or approximately 10 Def by one point. Sparsely, although a very even match the preferences of the players - on all Def put a bolt

mf / extra gold finger to the sky. You can of course drag the theoretical maximum on the classics of both, but it's all guessing

the rest are already tired to write, but the scheme is about the same
If not too lazy, I'll throw a couple of examples.

Actually, what do you think? Whether it really a scale to create? How the proposed option adequate? Will the people benefit?
The proposals in the Studio
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Smetanka dlya firka 18.10.19

Be lazy pliz.

minovalo 18.10.19

The idea is certainly interesting, but stillborn. There is the conventional gear (including rare items), which without any straining of CL is played on half those builds that can carry HKS. There are krupchyk for wigs and IC for the buffers. Else - leave the fans and pontorezy: they will pay any/the contract price without any formulas.

blr_Oliver 18.10.19

Missed one very important point - requirements for attributes. Obviously, the high requirements have to do the thing less valuable, and the higher, the more unpleasant it will be for every point of strength/agility. And this trouble is reflected in the value of these attributes spent on the requirements for precious health / mana. So as the assessment requirements take the same value as for the attributes, but with a minus. In addition, keep in mind that dexterity may be required only for weapons, but the power is needed almost everywhere, and it may require as much as the whole seven slots. That is, the requirements on the power are used up to 7 times, and then we will consider them with odds of 1/7. Further, to reflect the growing futility of the requirements, we use such a scheme. We will consider only the requirements above the baseline values. We divide the requirements into intervals of 10, and the value of the attribute at each interval, we take equal to the sum of the previous two (Yes, this Fibonacci)
interval / 1 attribute / total 0
00-10 / 1 / 10
10-20 / 1 / 20
20-30 / 2 / 40
30-40 / 3 / 70
40-50 / 5 / 120
50-60 / 8 / 200
60-70 / 13 / 330
70-80 / 21 / 540
80-90 / 34 / 880
90-100 / 55 / 1430

Examples of assessment requirements
to wear shard (35 / 51) requires +25 strength / +26 dexterity. It (20 + 5*2) / 7 + (20 + 6*2) = 36 points

wear a tower shield (75 / 0) requires +65 strength. It (200 + 13*5) / 7 = 38 points, still bearable

well, something heavy: Ornate Plate of Simplicity (-30% req) (119 / 0) requires +109 strength. It (1430 + (34 + 55)*9) / 7 = 319 points, really hard
Also should consider the type of armor (Light / Medium / Heavy), because it affects movement speed, and this has a cost.

Actually promised real-life examples
Shields Block rate vs def vs resist
the screens had a paladin, there's a block higher 10%

10 fhr = +35
30 fbr = +150
52% block = +150
62 def = +6
18/18 resist = +36
53 str req = -12
Light armor type = +0
total +365

10 fhr = +35
15 fbr = +100
50% block = +125
252 def = +25
29/25 resist = +54
58 str req = -16
Light armor type = +0
only +323

44% block = +50
57 allres = +285
75 str req = -38
Heavy armor type = -30
only 267

Conclusion: the block rate is more profitable mass resists, although the difference between 15% and 30% is in fact a minor
Amulets +skills/allres vs +stats

+2 skills = +120
+9 mana = +5
+16 allres = +80
only +205

+1 skill = +50
+20 str = +20
57 life / 36 mana = +47
40 resist = +40
only +157

For me it's a bunch of stats had to win, so it's either to change their understanding or to Refine the scale
Once again, my goal is to create an adequate scale. The examples above show how works the current version. It can fit to your ideas about values - then everything is fine, and doesn't have to match - then you need to modify/to change the balance, to think in short

lait_one 18.10.19

too many beech. Everything is much easier. On the classics plays digger and a half. There either all free (shard, ward, goldskin, etc. can be sold only at the beginning of the season), or fit of rare items is very decent runzy. For example paloscia shields, which are valued 2 PAL/ 17 FHR/ 20 allres ++ if you fit the disc (Grimm and his ilk), amulets 2ск/10 FCR/ 20 allres/ str/Dex/HP/MP++ - may be worth Jah+ because they are very rare. Easier apnoti theme with rating things, there are adequate groping people, they will tell you how much it is worth. In General, the things people will sell, because the classics are all the real fans and for them to show-off >> all. Odicino sell neupert and usually this neoperl price 1-2 soda on the classics. Nybrogade.

Yaril 25.10.20

it's really a lot easier. According to the table of this tb mask 10 yen 40 xp 10 fh 30 cutter 30res 30 cold cutter value comes out - 10 q 20 q35 q30 q30 - 30-only 155. and a simple amul 2 s 20 - 120 - 100 q 220. and what, it turns out that a full perf cap is worse than a mediocre amulet? an interesting evaluation system.

it's actually a lot easier. there are suffixes and prefixes. there are few of them, and among them there are welcome ones. How much this prefix or suffix did not reach the desired- you can always calculate in percentage. There are also a couple of particularly desirable prefixes and suffixes to which you can add a bonus-like fcr and 2 s. even when considering the clothes should always be kept in mind - and who could wear this clothes?

example 1 bot 20 frw 122 (desired-200 percent but weaker by 33%)
10fhr 100 (okay on sneakers is max)
6dex 66 (there are 9 on sneakers)
30 frez 150 (extremely coveted but power 75%)
40 prez 75 (maximum but in my opinion on poison resister is not valuable so fine)
Total 513 total conclusion- good slippers that can be sold. Per pool.

Example 2 sutlass 40 ias 300 points (fine. catlass the fastest dummy, better for the smither to find nothing.
7 life leech 0 (0 -smyth does not lick)
2 bar sk (0 -barbarian this fluff except for a cry is not needed - and to shout other fashions do not need
100ar (o points- it would be useful to sorke against immunosus but on fluff there is no poison or prevent monster heal . and high stat reg. smuter-skill smyth always gets useful 0
3-6 Cold 0 points. the smit does not cause any natural damage.
total of 300. Sad-gun by value equals blue cutlass 40 ias. Garbage.
Example 3. dugger 200 ed 20 points (wow as cool-fulperf dmg:) these prefix suffix on a dummy with such meager damage are useless at all)
125 ar 80 (nuu.. ok. for sorca.-but current if there is a vias or prevent)
30frez 200 (daa what you need)
prevent monster heal 200 (oh yes-now sork can use it)
Total 500 verdicts are a total. rare breed of forty to once hit on nm de seiza or on helle mobs in xx for special perverts for the scheme one poke - static nova. unfortunately, the knife does not have the most important - ias.-so sell more expensive pool will not work.

I could look at many more examples but get tired of sucking out of my finger. You can leave your clothes on. The bottom line is that when assessing it is necessary to understand who and why can use this subject- pointless to look at the bare values of numbers.
mask from the beginning of the post vs amul from the beginning of the post
10 fhr 100 ................................ 2sor 300 (200% for coveted and100s)
40 life 150--------------------------=====20@ 200
10 ene 100-----------------==============
30 frez 200-----------------==============
30 lrez 150----------------______________
30 coldrez 100------------_____________
A total of 800 price of Jah' --............................. 500 price pool
About the estimate - less than 400 garbage, up to 500 somehow yuscaus, 500 pool, above 600 start usable items.

Yaril 25.10.20

blr_Oliver wrote:
One for the amulet of the 2/10 allres/10fcr wants soge, the other for the apparently suitable shield Grim Shield 240def/z1 pal/19 allres/ q20block/30fbr is ready to give away the gelling
Buddy, it is, if the amulet fell. And fbr icb on the Pal's shield is useless because of the skill chochi shield. The prices here are right. I wouldn't have picked up such a sewn on the fall.
2pal 200/100 for the fact that the branch fell
10/100 (power of coveted fashion 50%)
10fcr 200 to 50 for it fell
total of 650. it's quite a stretch of
240 def wau. Does anyone even need that? Come on, it'll take 50.
1 fell 100 ( 200-strength fashion 50%)
19 q 190 points (not perff)
30fbr 20icb -o (cause is a "pal" shield and it does not need this mod because of the skill xs)
total of 340. Garbage. Nobu will come down. But if you put it on the litter,
240 def q 50
1 pal 0
19@ = 190
30fbr20icb = 200
Total 440. It's good, but you can probably try to sell it much below the pool for nagel...
but: if the amulet is on, for example, amu, then
2 ama 200 if worn on amoe (pal q 0)
10 fcr q 0 if worn on ame (pal q 250)
10@ =100
Total-for-ama 300 (garbage) if, as it is not strange to put it on the fallen then the price is slightly higher but also garbage.

johnrex 25.10.20

In my opinion almost top. I don't even know what to do now. Sell or barbe swing)

minovalo 25.10.20

johnrex wrote:
I don't even know what to do now. Sell or barbe swing
If it's not a banter or some beer muddles, what do not suit the lances or banal bonsnap? Yuzles ias, and ed.. Well, it's not 8ppl, they're going to get into the hx.

Obsessed 25.10.20

johnrex, HOW TO BE THE WORLD! Of course swing!
.. and to understand that on Helle barb S NE norms beats only phalluses q)

Marched! Yu:E

monolith777 25.10.20

Affixes on naga are cool, yes. It would have been 2 fell, about 7-8 years ago someone would have torn off the silote with his hands. And now I Martel 170ed dual lich turned and Jamele passed - except soja/shards/twists/wards no one needs anything. Well, some more stubborn blinkbat of the week two as looking - probably the state runner collects)

Dmitriy Zhigunov 25.10.20

Go naga you're, for the barbarics with a shield.

RainInTheNight 25.10.20

Yes, it's tough.

broominspired 25.10.20


Artyom, with a day!)))

gtLpro 25.10.20

Yaril 19.12.20

10 fxr = 100
37 units- = cake 2
9 ene- 90
22 hp - (55 + 50%) 83
27 lrez = (90+ 50%) 135
30 mills = (100 + 100%) 200 total 610- not a bad thing- I personally would offer for it ist + small, but it may possibly sell for more.
Sorry I haven't been here for a long time

Yaril 19.12.20

on the nage above they wrote, there are clear affixes in it, but there is no one to wear such beavers on a cell with martels and lances that will damage something. 40 ias does not work for cc, this naga is more likely for a concentrator of some kind (pumping up a beaver solo on low people for fun) or a zerker (for which a life lich does not work).

broominspired 14.09.21

The screen is not mine, I took it from the Internet, like Slipnot's song 742617000027