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Super Reptile 29.06.20 10:49 am

Trialsy area Ivan (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Hello guys, I'm your new trainer trial. I was taught by such teachers as EVA and DarkSide. And now I will share the knowledge mastered. My name is Ivan, but you can just call me coach. Currently, I'm training Pokemon.
If you want to learn the trial, but did not know where to start, then this is the chance to start climbing to the top of the Great Unreal Tournament. And if you train hard, it will become as Great Trialsome as Heku, Demon or DarkSide.
In our classes, respect others, no insults and ridicule I will not tolerate. Ask questions only on the merits. Training not to be missed, every day for half an hour or hours necessary to devote to the trial. Before mash: young walldodge 100, 200 jumps, 50 jumps shield, etc.
Upon completion of the course you will receive an electronic certificate with the completion of the trial. This diploma you can attach in your forum signature so that other players see that you have graduated from the course of trial. This will give you the respect and recognition in the eyes of other players.

ATTENTION!!! Advance warning, the entrance to the hall is forbidden for a Barker as carnage (X111). Carnage, you can look out the window of the hall, but the entrance is forbidden you.

And so, our program:
First: basic movement (jumping, of walldodge, saidjan, silajani, etc.)
Second: Easy trial (pass the light card for the trial)
Third, the Average trial (going through a trial of average complexity)
Fourth: Jumping shield (basic shield jumping, jump in height/length, shield walldodge, etc., the passage of light cards by shield jumping, strictly in the first person)
Fifth: the Complicated trial (pass card high complexity)
Sixth: Multicoding (pass card multimodem)
Seventh: the Complicated shield Jumping (through a complex shield jumping, you are allowed to use the third person)
Eighth: the Super Trial (cards that mix DM-shield jumping + multicoding)
Ninth: the secrets of the Trial (that is hidden from mortal eyes, a Great interview DarkSida about super shield combo for 10-11k uu and other secrets of the Great Trialstop)
Tenth: certificate of completion of the course

at the end of the main course go for more classes:
Training catastropically in UnrealED
Learning UnrealScript scripting (will be invited guests, such as the GP and UnShame)

At the moment the course finished early:
Pokemon (located half way, at the moment he finished easy, medium and complicated trial, but has difficulties in shield jumping, it is very difficult for him)

Our classes we will conduct a server-Downer - ut2004://
A distinctive feature of the Downer server from other servers on the trial, is that there is translocator, abbreviated TRANS. On other servers you will not be able to use the TRANS and will pass the map long and hard, unlike in Downer, where you can for the entire map to put some shemales that will naturally ease your passage map. This is no ordinary shemale that you can throw like a stick, no, they are put right on the floor, you can't throw them. So Downer and differs from all servers and so Downer lives and the people playing on it, because there is a shemales. When I talk about some other trial server I'm primarily interested in if there's a TRANS, if not, I categorically refuse to play on this server.

*You should have a keyboard (preferably ergonomic), a good mouse (preferably X7), Mat good (preferably expensive), a pen and a notebook (every approaches we will fix in a notebook, and at the end of the course to summarize our sessions).

**Also I request the admin to post my topic to the theme of not hanging upside-down, and always stood at the top.
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_uLTRa_ 29.06.20


X111 29.06.20

Hindzya 29.06.20


X111 29.06.20

Judging by the picture, patient — the same one who had recently prairiegirl cold :)

Cold Mind 29.06.20

I'm interested in complicated childrening with trannies. Coach, send me a tutorial video please.

X111 29.06.20

Fu to be! By you and Valentinich crying for a long time article 6.21 of the administrative code.

fess1k 29.06.20

And you: not TRANS Reva, Reva not TRANS!!! Pictures will not lie!!!

X111 29.06.20

fess1k 29.06.20

Pokemon (located half way, at the moment he finished easy, medium and complicated trial, but has difficulties in shield jumping, it is very difficult for him).
Pokemon went to trial, the whole server Tama went on a binge to celebrate. Time 17:40 and no one (

Super Reptile 29.06.20

So guys, I'm preparing the program, it will soon be.
*Went to dinner.

_Naut_ 29.06.20

trainer pokemon at the trial
next project: coach juggling bottles for the national team of Russia on football

Hindzya 29.06.20

By you and Valentinich crying for a long time article 6.21 of the administrative code
well, why not just with Valentinich? perhaps a future follower of shit in a mortar and Ivan is quite a simple sight of idols on the side which is not shown on glamorous photo - in a negligee with a broken-down members and smelly male Asses, mugs without wigs and cosmetics, silicone type Boobs typical male bass, the stench of podlich, the consequences of such relations and of other disgusting abomination

but for moderator Yes, it's time to send pativeny :))

PS Edith, without a special Mat for romanowskiego Kolda :DD

Super Reptile 29.06.20

Here you go, my program:

First: basic movement (jumping, of walldodge, saidjan, silajani, etc.)
01. Rankin
02. Campgrounds
03. Cheops
04. Under-LE_2009
05. Remedy
06. Aero

Second: Easy trial (pass the light card for the trial)
01. Trials101 Extended
02. Air Traps SE3
03. Arborea Training Map
04. Your First Trial
05. [UT2K4] Trial Learning
06. Egyptian Secret Trials
07. GHG - Training Trial
08. KDS - Trial V4

Third, the Average trial (going through a trial of average complexity)
01. 7Co The Egyptian Pyramid
02. PredoxX's Trial
03. Zone ALPHA
04. Nature Trials
05. Egyptian Challenge V6
06. PRC - Trials
07. Gothic Trials
08. Nitro Egypt Trial
09. Pyramid of Trials
10. Ra Pyramid V4_1
11. Stsc Trial Beta
12. Temple of Trials V4
13. The Lost Tower Trials
14. Trials of Dynasty

Fourth: Jumping shield (basic shield jumping, jump in height/length, shield walldodge, etc., the passage of light cards by shield jumping, STRICTLY FROM the FIRST PERSON!)
01. GTH - ShieldGun Facility
02. GTH - Temple of C3nT
03. Apple Shield Trial
04. Dodge Pro Mod V8 Trial
05. AToMos ShieldJumping Trials Fix
06. Mind Freaks Shielding
07. RfdS - Trials of Doom
08. ShieldGun Medium V2 Tweak
09. PsyFix Breath of a Challenge MashUp V2
10. [UT2K4] Ronel Birthday Map
11. D2F [ShieldJumping Trials] (the Final map of the usual Schild. It's harder all the previous. This card will be for you exam, if you pass it, you can safely take on a complicated shield jumping)

Fifth: the Complicated trial (pass card high complexity)
01. Temple of Bayen
02. Cave of Trials
03. Skills & Drills
04. Blood on the Floor
05. Map for Flav
06. Celk Trial
07. Greek Trial
08. The Price of Evil (OOO how you will be bad, I will enjoy your suffering)

Sixth: Multicoding (pass card multimodem)
01. Stalker - Temple of MultiDodge
02. Stalker - MultiDodge Tech Trials

Seventh: the Complicated shield Jumping (through a complex shield jumping, you are allowed to use the third person)
Before you take these cards, think you're confident?
01. Solo-ShieldGun Easy 4 you
02. Purgatory
03. ShieldGun Challenge Easy Version 1b
04. Bratworst
05. Alien Tech
06. ShieldGun Base V2-easy
07. ShieldGun Base V4b
08. ShieldGun Depths V4
09. SuperHard SJ Trial
10. DarkSpirit SG Remix Pro Final
11. Abstract
12. Sensitivity
13. MartEh Tech V1
14. Addiction V2
15. Desolate
16. ShieldGun-of-Solace
17. Stsc Jump Skills V2
18. TP ShieldGon Challenge V1
19. ShieldGun Impossibru
20. D2F [ShieldJumping Trials] GODLIKE (final card, good luck!)

Eighth: the Super Trial (cards that mix DM-shield jumping + multicoding)
01. Truff - MultiDodging
02. ??? (secret map, you'll learn about her later)

In the end, we have 71 map, not so much, but also not so little, agree?

Tomorrow will start the first classes, at exactly 18:00 (GMT), starting with basic movements.
Don't miss out!

X111 29.06.20

Valentinich, you have information is?

Super Reptile 29.06.20

Guys, I read your posts and use google, because nothing is clear - moderat, pativeny. If you write like that, then in parentheses write the explanation.

x111, read the rules to ask Questions only on the merits.

X111 29.06.20

The creature hiding in one of the Dorm Samara and to answer the questions refuses.
By the way how is it you, Valentinich?
Understand transgo not seem much, but if you decide suddenly to change the orientation back-to-back — good people are willing to throw contact. Will be together on the Downer records update!

gui1ty 29.06.20

It was a divorce, do not get fooled. The real trial of diplomas and other color reversal with all the passing of the cards and record to them. With this diploma you even 1min will not take.

Hindzya 29.06.20

Coach Ivan
moderat - sad unknown as became the moderator of the forum, Kold-iariw
pativeny in Google, for sure, look carefully

X111 29.06.20

But he's masterfully pushing the first, and then to the forum a great new Druk brought! Why are you unhappy again? None would be happy for the first major success of the Manager of the Russian UT-komyuniti!

Frayherr 29.06.20

Good time of day.
Fellow author is trying to share experiences and to teach players to play, but after reading I came to the conclusion that such training is ineffective.
The Trix are you going to do, but they are not the key to victory. I've seen many players who move around the map nicely, but eventually begin to notice them at the bottom of the points table.
You have to play as simply as possible, the simpler you play, the more you get, because your brain will be concentrated not on unnecessary stuff. Here is an example of Reva, he did not tricoul like a clown, and coached shooting and so he was crying.
Or I trained tactics on ironic and killed any fathers.
A properly built training process and distinguishes a good player from the typical garbage