Criticism and PG
I remembered the case as the work of a local Builder commented another. Completely left the user was to blame for the second criticism, for which he apologized and explained that just pointed out a few flaws, not criticized the work.Attitude to criticism, in particular, on PG actually quite a mass phenomenon. To criticize Activision with their Call of Duty or EA with their former (?) the attitude of the users - in the order of normal things, but it is necessary to address the shortcomings of Battlefields, Subway or, God forbid, the third of the Witcher - evil fans start to burn, lifting the veil of dust. This behavior from the fans, in my opinion, not the color nor fandom, nor the work itself.
Actually the criticism perceive hostility, as if taking it all in. Or not. It did take over a bunch of insults, whether it is a serious analysis or a typical website Analytics divan.
Some nut comes to your site and a wave of euphoria decides to write an article about your favorite game, but it is gradually sinking into yet another manifestation of the syndrome of a duckling (~before the grass was greener). A user can specify that, as his remark immediately subjected to a barrage of disapproval. Of course, not every monochromatic next time you want to make a comment.
There is also Internet and a lot of juzverej are not able to give more than a couple of words about why the game corner - actually it's all two words in a sentence. But the condemnation of sober criticism and the influx racoti you-know-for-what contributed to the destruction of critical layer users, creating the best conditions for the emergence of some MS-Vasi-of Letelier and АлТшКульНава_ГаМиРа_007_2001.
It is necessary to you?
I'm sure you have too, there's a couple of things from criticism which you have polyhnet
Well what do you expect? Well, it's the Internet. And unpleasant words no one person will not break.
people can't take criticism at all (education is), and secondly, that is criticism - like otmechanii shortcomings and the decree of the possible ways of improvement - was not so much.
mostly under the guise of criticism are impotent or simple Udaka as a Troll from 21026 with sadabaev. who did not criticize nurse and their complexes using the phrase well, it's my opinion, I see.
but funny when someone else sees just an asshole and not a critic and not the truth are very offended :)
AR3E wrote:
Actually the criticism perceive hostility, as if taking it all in. Or not. It did take over a bunch of insults
The peculiarities of national mentality - who is not with us is against us. (and since every noob believes himself to be the carriers of the ideas of the beaver, anyone who disagrees with him is definitely evil, and need to come down on him with all the hate)
This situation is typical not only for PG. Almost all resources where there is the possibility to upload user generated content coupled with the ability to comment and/or rate it is, as critics and defenders of the downtrodden.
AR3E wrote:
angry fans start to burn, lifting the veil of dust. This behavior from the fans, in my opinion, not the color nor fandom, nor the work itself.
What? What side demented fanatics somehow affect the valuation of the product itself? What kind of nonsense I just read?
an example can lead to the confirmation of his words?
And here you are an example of what I was talking about on the topic. You saw the user does not agree with you on what the issue is and immediately hate rushed to water it with dirt. And mind you, your post is irrelevant to the topic.
And there are enough in the PG. And therefore constantly watching the threads clog up with rubbish.
And wrote about what topikaster
AR3E wrote:
But the condemnation of sober criticism and the influx racoti you-know-for-what contributed to the destruction of critical layer users
Chuckcha in the tent
I agree, in General all in excessive of blind prejudice, when there is a dispute about two things that opponents usually don't even want to look at the pros of what they believe is wrong and is full of criticism of everything including the obvious advantages, is the inability to look from the 3rd person is very annoying and makes all debate pointless
grafonoman wrote:
all in excessive of blind bias
And I agree. We have too many stupid newbies who think themselves all right.
example concluded in your comment. You just tried to smear me. So I'll say it again - you are the vivid example of his statement.
see above. And you confirmed his statement that was written to me in PM. So?
There are so many newbies with his criticism...consider themselves to be right around, Oh what an arrogant and stubborn. Unknown to them that really only I am the bearer of truth and true values...
By the way, the author, as there is criticism in all the world? Especially criticism of religions. With PG, it was figured out...
It all depends on people, some just want to have fun, heitere everything, others are just self-centered badlani that except his opinion nothing else can see, but everything else is not correct.
Originally, religion was supposed to protect man from the evils which lead man to degradation, noo not everything goes as planned, and now it is a powerful pipeline to create slaves who are told to live in poverty, have no one and nothing to complain about and be grateful for everything.