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nn-nz av-nz 29.06.20 11:03 am

Sanctuary recruiting people (Fallout 4)

hi! Sanctuary eats people-writing 6-12 water 22 energy-6 sewn-52 seats-happiness 9-72.eating the beacon, too. active radio listening.but more 6 settlers do not can verbuvata.dunno why....
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Vladislav Igorevich 29.06.20

nn-nz av-nz wrote:
eating people
nn-nz av-nz wrote:
eating beacon
nn-nz av-nz wrote:
active radio listening
nn-nz av-nz wrote:
more 6 settlers do not can verbuvata
Thank you, I so long did not laugh

PySy: why not the magician?

MrGURAM76 29.06.20

nn-nz av-nz wrote:
but more 6 settlers do not can verbuvata
And now explain what you mean? What it means to recruit?
The settlers in the lighthouse settlement come immediately, but in some of the settlements are generally very rare to come by.

MrGURAM76 29.06.20

Vladislav Igorevich
What's funny, if the person is not actually Russian and not from Russia ?

Ioannn 29.06.20

And the most interesting, after reading this fiction no longer any desire to help this ignorant).

Vladislav Igorevich 29.06.20

I don't know who he was, nor where he(too lazy to look), but I think the person who does not know foreign language is to look for information in your language, right?
nn-nz av-nz wrote:
dunno why.
It is strange that foreign people know the value of the combination of letters X and S, but have not heard about the soft sign(I'm not talking about the letter Y, allow that to be mistaken)

nn-nz av-nz 29.06.20

as the current I put the radio beacon immediately 1 poyavilsa and they became 6. but Shas 2-3 den no no . but if you say that sometimes even rarely come all annenko. thanks for the answer)

MrGURAM76 29.06.20

Vladislav Igorevich wrote:
to search for information in your language, right?
Logic is AU!!!
I am Georgian, I live in Georgia, if I start to look old in their native language, the time it will take, a little more than eternity. Despite such a huge number of people speak Russian, information on the game compared to the English region that is significantly less, and she appears late. What then to speak about other languages, speakers of which a fraction ? Sometimes before you write something, you better first think.

Mag Otshelnik 29.06.20

How much charisma?This is important.

nn-nz av-nz 29.06.20

charisma 2...

MrGURAM76 29.06.20

Cheburator Founder
Even when the unit charisma, 11 settlers must have.

Vladislav Igorevich 29.06.20

Well, I thought. An adult'd be ashamed to write so illiterate. Allowances for the fact that he is a foreigner it would be possible to make the most, however, I believe he often reads various information in the Russian language, and an adult with above-average intelligence took different information from reading them(including spelling). If he is not ashamed of her illiteracy - we have nothing to prove, I can only laugh and show that this is not normal, perhaps he will be ashamed and he is, after all, want to become more literate.
If it's a child - I'm in the first class did not make such errors as it. I repeat: perhaps he will be ashamed and he is, after all, want to become more literate.

MrGURAM76 wrote:
Logic is AU!!!
I am Georgian, I live in Georgia
I repeat: "I do not know where he is, though, from Japan, I'm too lazy to look it profile

Don't forget that in every society there are people over whom ridicule. It is our nature. This point also has its place. We can't be always around to all tolerant

nn-nz av-nz 29.06.20

this suit of +2 charisma and a hat+1 charisma I think it will help)

Yczh-Kazym 29.06.20

Perhaps too little time has passed. I have 6 points of charisma for three days from the time the lighthouse has accumulated a total of four people.

Vladislav Igorevich wrote:
It is strange that foreign people know the value of the combination of letters X and S, but have not heard about the soft sign
Nothing surprising. Half of Russia's Runet uses English abbreviations, like lol, AFC, aka, IMHO, ACL - but in English and the three words do not bind.

Vladislav Igorevich 29.06.20

Staaaaaaaay, it borrowed words from the English language. And loan words from English very much.
Do you know a lot of words borrowed from Russian language?

MrGURAM76 29.06.20

Vladislav Igorevich wrote:
If he is not ashamed of his illiteracy
Fuck the shame, if one can somehow Express in a foreign language? And many do not.

MrGURAM76 29.06.20

Vladislav Igorevich
We have in the Georgian language and now after so many years after the collapse of the USSR, many Russian words are used, though mostly in urban slang

Mag Otshelnik 29.06.20

nn-nz av-nz
There's your answer.

With a bunch from Concord a maximum of 10 people.
And Yes,give the TC a dictionary!!

nn-nz av-nz 29.06.20

all ATP

Yczh-Kazym 29.06.20

Vladislav Igorevich
From the English language is nothing but perestroika, Sputnik, balalaika 't remember. However, the peoples of the former Soviet bloc, and having had very close contacts with the Russian language, does yuzayut borrowing from him. At the same Lithuanians and Latvians in the speech of a whole collection of Russian expletives from the innocent sobakus until three-storey expression, the literal meaning of which is not always understood by the Baltic States. A lot of them, because of the young age and unwillingness to learn, know Russian language worse than OP.

Zolotko555 29.06.20

nn-nz av-nz
52 bed, put nothing there will be so many settlers ...your charisma + 10= the number of settlers ...if you max charisma 10 +10= 20 settlers...well, if you clothes still with the charisma will wear there will be 22 settler....with mods it is possible and more :-)
chacha want))))