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informator59 29.06.20 08:51 pm

You cannot run (Watch_Dogs 2)

Good afternoon. The problem with the game is this, says on startup cannot start game, try again later. Played today, everything was fine. Can servers They what?
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Nikolay Ololay 29.06.20

Well, it means try again later.

Nordmenn 29.06.20

Such problem - when I start the game in Uplay,there is a window of Watch Dogs 2 and goes infinite loading.Is there a solution?

informator59 29.06.20

At me such once was, I restarted uplay and re-entered it and it worked.

Rizio 29.06.20

First, start toy, accidentally turned - she flew with a request to send the report. Well okay. Threw the files of the crack in the game folder, run and it immediately crashes with the same error - Oh, the game had to be closed. Restart uplay gave a result only one - for the second time there is a check files :) Thanks, played.

UPD: I realized that the whole joke in the crack, which, you see, old or not working. XS. File check and after it from the start of the game - it's okay, but the boy does not plow. Anyone can throw a worker?