Whether the Russian Empire? (Battlefield 1)
Actually if Russia does the info on this?IDarkaxeI
What are you talking about?! Who was part of the Entente? Illich concluded unilateral Brest peace.-the only sensible thing you just said
She have to be there. It is Russia exhausted German troops while on the Western front they were holed up in the trenches. It is precisely Russian soldiers and the famous Brusilovsky breakthrough put on the brink of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire..Compare the number of German and Austrian divisions in the West and in the East and will be very clear who has made the greatest contribution to the world 1
You go wash your face and mom tell me that my teeth were cleaned. And then to prove to others that you did it.
German divisions on the Western front was more like 110 to 80. But on the Eastern front were numerous Austro-Hungarian army, as well as Russia fought a war with the Ottoman Empire
Here you are your own answer).And do you think that this number was static throughout the war?...Remembering the story, speaking for the Germans, I was reading at the time the statement of many specialists and from our and from the German side, the overall picture is built up such that the most combat-capable units fought in them EXACTLY on the Eastern front.However, at the beginning of the war, Germany more divisions amassed on the border with France, the Germans expected to finish first with France, bypassing the Maginot line through Belgium, not perceiving the Russian army and seriously considers Russia a backward and not able to quickly deploy forces(then They were surprised))..I Think if not for the successful operations of the Russian troops in Poland and Galicia, actions that forced the Germans to transfer troops to the East had saved France from surrender. (This order was prepared and the government had already fled) ,France suffered defeats with the British on all fronts in the early war if someone does not know..And all this naked Fact with which an intelligent man will not argue and just off us will remember what that stuff that the General picture is irrelevant ..... That's why developers are so rude I was called by the Nazis and thought will understand me...more than anything I just wanted to Express my opinion about them and Battlefield 1 as a whole, seeing what the money they collect in Russia...but also understand that children are to blame too, not worth it.. they just want to play in the war games about which they know nothing..Triar1us I did not have you in mind, just explain me, so to speak, from everyone, to everyone who will read of course