New Game+ Armor. (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Passed the GAME (Main Story) on NG+, level 60, Started heart of Stone, took the drawing on the snake armor, shows level 94 need to wear it=) is This normal? I just believe that if you pass a Stone heart, will level 65 Ah max. Even if you play further into the DLC Blood and Wine, and I don't expect I will finish it 90 level. Or searchlights I think that I will stay in this game after the story? Well, there frankly after sujecki the world dies=( And arrive it does not want stupid only new.I mean that can I have a do not have a NG+? Please share how you protekaet NG+. Details on the level or how it faster to pump up to 100, etc. thanks in Advance!
I do not understand.You started NG+ with a level 60 and went to play heart of Stone?
Dmitriy Solodilov
Don't know how you passed, but my last save game was when I opened Caer Mohren, and I was level 80. You may not have passed additional job or did the low if you have a difference in 5-6 levels, then riprap poor penny. As you went through the game without experiencing problems with the armor? You either cheat, or XS. Can download mod to optimize the experience for the quests, ie will always give you the maximum amount of experience.