Cpu_led light is red.
Yesterday collected a computer it worked. After restarting cpu_led lit up on the Mat. Board. On the screen no picture, all fans are spinning. Dumped the BIOS and SMO. Was prepollical cable of the power supply. Processor, North. bridge, South. the bridge and the power circuit heat up. Changed CPU to another. RAM cleaned and put different dies. Nothing helped.Mat. Board: ASUS m5a99fx pro r2.0
Personally, I have when the light turns the light - the speaker is silent. The other day I met this trouble from a friend. Had something gone in the motherboard. Handed over in service.
Then if all else fails, you can try only the motherboard (PCI, PCI-e) postcode to see where plugging.
And now we need most of all to cut off, leave a cent, a single die is a memory and image output. Plugging may be in the equipment.
I could create a discrete soundcard (for Example).
Launched with a video card, sound card, CPU and one RAM. Not working, and RX 570 fans start spinning. Tried without video card and sound card - does not work too.
There's only two card postcode say. I have when this fable was at X470. Why it helped removing the CPU, memory and Graphics card etc.. Then to work. But it's just luck (Lucky).
Another pull to connect the PS. If modular then maybe the bad contact was acting up.
Of course influences. Can't influence. The main thing that were all alive after not quite correct manipulation.
Cant motherboard in service carry, my friend, the same nurse said blade socket if possible !
hello everyone this situation asus 99 you start up the cpu led cooler to spin on the vidyuhe no turn off the current on the power supply from the button the current starts to turn off the current from the power supply cho maybe?