The achievements for the pirate games
Hi. Interested in the opinions of knowledgeable people - is it possible to create a program that will display the getting achievements (achivok) during the passage of pirated games?While that is bad imagine how to implement this process. Don't even know if that's possible. So I'm asking.
A little thought can see a few possible ways of implementation:
- to access part of steam, responsible for achieving
- to create in the program code, similar to you, and to manually add achievements to display (picture + name is bound to the code bundle). And when will trigger the code in the game to achieve, to display the appropriate picture and title.
How realistic is it to implement? Is it possible to get pirated games from these data (API name for all achievements)?
Plan to start learning programming, C#, whether really it to implement it?
Spoilersa really like achievements in games, and often take a license for them. This additional challenge, additional tests and quests. But this passion comes at a price. It would be cool during the passage of pirated games is not to lose this pleasure.
Well, according to the law of Pilkington any thing you invented was already invented before you. Maybe this already exists?
Umnik2020 wrote:
Or tell me where to go to discuss these issues
To the doctor, I say thank you pirate games actually run, and not all and not everywhere, but the achievements you want. Achievements usually do not get in games and launchers that run these games (Steam, Uplay, GOG, RS Social Club), so get G. Z. M. and play as is, or buy the game, or not play at all.
I only know that on emulators consoles have implemented achievements.
Treat probably better on Habre.