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Scaevus 20.07.20 11:58 pm

Hatred around No man\'s sky, why? (No Man's Sky)

So, I want to appeal to you, Yes you, the hater who took the opinion of the herd and now cuts classes obsiraya the game. Tell me what you cheated? in every comment, in every title, every topic lie lie lie lie what you poor deceived? this what you showed in the trailer, what you find in the game? can you specifically say? With the multiplayer you say you cheated? Clearly said: the size of the universe large, to meet someone practically not possible, it means that you promised you x*EN meet anyone, and after these words, you ran to buy the game to poshpilit in the grid and are now whining that no one met??? If you're smart, you realize that no one will meet, and then you're expected to play alone, so don't cry now for the lack of what you didn't. On this I think the issue with multiplayer should be closed.

Moving on, so what is all the same deceived, then? what else you promised?? You promised 18 ophylline planets they are? is. Landing on the planet in real time without loading screens, is there? Yes there is. The planet is almost the same you say? what are you supposed to be? square, triangular and flat chtoli? The gameplay is, say, not interesting, and you do that in the trailer and demonstrations showed steep a supremely better with explosions and large-scale batches or something?? where you cheated? This game is about adventure and exploration, it was designed to fly, enjoy the scenery and wildlife, and fly to another planet, what do you expect?? what you promised? There are different races? Yes, there they are, and to communicate with them, and their language learning can and should be, promised it and did it. Let's explain the points that you specifically promised and did not. About the multiplayer not even worth saying, you're not expected and should not have been.
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SauronMaiar 20.07.20

the large size of the universe, to meet someone practically not possible what? this does not negate the alleged lack of multiplayer, if you want you can meet a friend, so just know that cartoon there was a video where 2 guy at the same time came to the same planet, so size is not an excuse.

Scaevus 20.07.20

I repeat promised you x*EN meet anyone, and after these words, you ran to buy the game to poshpilit in the grid??? you find fault with the fact, and now get universal approval every time poking at it, though, and so it was impossible to meet, if virtually no chance what is't meet, because practically no chance, why I then those words don't expect there multiplayer games, and how disappointed when I found out that it is not, because it was not played.
the large size of the universe, to meet someone practically not possible after those I don't know how to be cocky and stubborn to buy the game for a cartoon. In short, it is a trivial niggle.

Scaevus 20.07.20

I didn't buy it even kid, because I knew that the release game will be, and not expect her to understand why Fig.

GlyukoEzhik 20.07.20

Scaevus wrote:
Let's explain the points that you specifically promised and did not.
paragraph 1 I looked VIDOS with utaba and I really didn't like what I saw there.
item 2 is missing....
the game is shit!

SauronMaiar 20.07.20

Here is a quote Murray on the multiplayer You can intersect with other players. Here only it is not a major component of the game, " said Murray, and he added: Maybe you are not going to play with other players, but just think of how well to play with different people when you can, each other to see and even touch. You and your friends know the worst things can have a negative impact on your friendship, thus increasing the distance between you.

SauronMaiar 20.07.20

so what do you fuck who will meet, no one promised

Protocol10 20.07.20

I didn't buy it even kid

Here's the answer. You didn't buy the game, so you have no hatred. I mafia 3 is not bought, downloaded passed. Understand that the game is 6 out of 10 but I have not bombed, because I'm not a penny did not give. But if I had paid for 2 kilos, it is likely to be bombed. What gets for free does not cause the bombing.

Richards 20.07.20

Hatred is on the tip of your plazmometov, because you need time to gather resources, everything literally rests on the nozzle, the fuel flies, shields made of fragile glass.

GlyukoEzhik 20.07.20

Protocol10 wrote:
But if I had paid for 2 kilos, it is likely to be bombed.
I do not know how to back off 2 kilos without looking at the product. For me it is idiocy.

GG4 20.07.20

Banal herd instinct and that's fine. Personally, I really liked the game, got everything they expected, enough already 527 hours.

Scaevus 20.07.20

and VIDOS in trailers and demonstrations was something else, yeah, probably a wild action of mass shootings and explosions at every corner

Protocol10 20.07.20

Someone falling off not looking because he believes the promises of developers and advertising. Then the bombing starts, when it turns out that the game was mediocre.

Scaevus 20.07.20

Gluconic wrote:
I do not know how to back off 2 kilos without looking at the product. For me it is idiocy.
here and I about the same

Scaevus 20.07.20

what exactly are the promises?

GlyukoEzhik 20.07.20

I watched the video of the gameplay after the game.

Scaevus 20.07.20

GG4 wrote:
Banal herd instinct and that's fine. Personally, I really liked the game, got everything they expected, enough already 527 hours.
Yes, they even clearly can not articulate what exactly they were deceived, repeat for all the common phrase OBMANULI SVOLOCHI!! because I see that in these words the huskies put

Protocol10 20.07.20

Yes anything. Know about me Skye I don't know what they promised and what did or did not do. I didn't watch her and when came out was not even a torrent to download.

GlyukoEzhik 20.07.20

Scaevus wrote:
can not articulate what exactly they were deceived
tricked out! powerful PR company did their job. The game was presented as something Grand and awesome cool. And the people were miserable and boring crap. Here bomber and farting fart blown up.

SauronMaiar 20.07.20

here's a video detailing all the promises and their fulfillment

Scaevus 20.07.20

Protocol10 wrote:
Yes anything.
Well, again, no specifics, but crap game is we are always BEHIND, even so do