Why you bought the console?
Not to miss on the PC, when there are no games on itDon't like to play on PC ( and PC I have a weak )
But do not upgrade every year ( 2 )
And there are plenty of games which are not present on the PC, that's why
Bought a console for the exclusives on it + you're not worried about that you can not go game.In the end, not worried about upgrade your computer.
Buy the console, then there is no money. It is so well known
not on the Russian market, here the grandma in two told
The console is an indicator of lack of money, consolers of people penniless. And the more consoles, the less money he has. In General, taking the console to a soap kintz play
because I want to play games are not on PC such as: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks and Cresh, etc.
Bought the console and continue to do it because got a PC with its upgrades,bugs and shit.I just want to collapse on the couch in front of a large Telecom with pad in hand without any manipulaci with cables and transfer the system unit to the hall.To know that the game will not slow down or demand the impossible from your iron.Prices are not the problem.Erect the type of problem with the prices on games just in the space.Anyone who buys a console needs to be prepared to ensure that all games konsolki more expensive.
PS 3 bought not to wait until the merchants of the gaming industry were honored to release some games on PC, just to play the exclusives on the platform in my case only playstation that justify the purchase of the console, and not biased to say everything is fine there with the picture when gameplay is on the level.
PS 4 bought in late 2014, at the moment I think a few hurried, games standing category only playstation in my opinion is not a remaster from Indy can come including a PC
Cost computer (decent, not purchased in 2008 for study) in front by far does the sales talk is meaningless
Because it's cool to play, came sat down, chose the game what you want and go!))))))
I can't stand to play PC! Games 5 was no more.The console is another thing conveniently, quickly and comfortably.
Because GTA V and Last Of Us. Soon found out about other games that are slowly selected)